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பி.எச்டி. வாங்கலியோ பி.எச்டி.! சாந்தோம் சர்ச்

பி.எச்டி. வாங்கலியோ பி.எச்டி.! சாந்தோம் சர்ச்

Posted: மே 24, 2010


பி.எச்டி. வாங்கலியோ! சாந்தோம் சர்ச்

Santhome Church Bishop Utterance.

சென்னை மயிலை உயர்மறை மாவட்டம் புனித தோமையார்” படத்தின் வசன கர்த்தாவான அருட்தந்தை பால்ராஜ் லூர்துசாமியைச் சந்தித்தோம்.

This பால்ராஜ் லூர்துசாமி- had 3 P.Hd.


`விவிலியம்-திருக்குறள் சைவ சித்தாந்தம்” என்ற புத்தகத்தை எழுதிய மு.தெய்வநாயகத்துக்கு சென்னைப் பல்கலைக்கழகம் டாக்டர் பட்டம் வழங்கி கௌரவித்தது. அந்தப் புத்தகத்தில்தான் திருக்குறளில் உள்ள கிறிஸ்துவ கருத்துகள் பற்றி ஆதாரங்களுடன் கூறப்பட்டிருக்கிறது.//

Sir- It is 100% church  funded ARCHDIOCESAN CHRISTIAN STUDIES at Christian Tamil Studies of Madras University gave that P.Hd.  to Deivanaygam and not just that  Many more Such P.hd. were issued by Madras Arch Bishop

Viviliam, Thirukkural Saiva Siddhantam Oppaivu-(Tamil) Comparative Study of the Bible, Thirukkural and Saiva Siddhanta)-Ph. D. Thesis by Dr.M.Deivanayagam-University of Madras-1985

Tamil Bhakti Iyakkathin Thotramum Valarchiyum – Vivilia Oliyil (Tamil) (The Origin and Development of Tamil Bhakti Movement (in the Light of the Bible) by Dr.D.Devakala – Ph.D. Thesis –University of Madras – 1993

Ilakkiyangalil Moovorumai Kotpadu(Tamil) (Trinity Concept In Tamil Literature) –Ph.D. Thesis  by Dr. A. Johnson Thankiah – University of Madras-2003

Siddhar Padalkalum Viviliyamum (Tamil)(Songs of Tamil Siddhars and the Bible) Ph.D. Thesis by Dr. Moses Michael Farradey – University of Madras.-1999

Aru Vagai Darisanangalum Tamilar Samayamum – Viviliya Oliyil (Tamil)- (Six Darshanas and the Religion of Tamils – in the Light of the Bible) by Dr .J. D. Baskara Doss- Ph.D. Thesis – University of Madras -1998.

Former Archbishop Arulappa has written many books  on this falsehood

 File?id=dcnjmj8m_46gstkxxtp_bDr. R. Arulappa: Late archbishop of the Madras-Mylapore Archdiocese.

உலகத் தமிழ் ஆராய்ச்சி நிறுவனம்-

”இந்துமத அமைப்புகள் எதிர்ப்பு தெரிவிக்க “விவிலியம்-திருக்குறள்-சைவசித்தாந்தம் ஒப்பாய்வு” எனும் நூலின் சில பகுதிகள் இந்து சமயத்தினரின் மனம் புண்படும்படியாக அமைந்துள்ளது குறித்து வருந்துகிறோம்’. என்று உலகத் தமிழ் ஆராய்ச்சி நிறுவனம் வெளியிட்டது. மேலும் அது “ஆராய்ச்சி நூலல்ல” என்றும் ஒரு சுற்றரிக்கை மூலம் குறிப்பிட்டது.”

This book by Tamil and Shaiva scholar Vidwan Arunai Vadivel Mudaliar is the refutation of Deivanayakam’s spurious doctoral thesis “Viviliyam, Tirukkural, Shaiva Siddhantam Oppu Ayvu”. Mudaliar’s refutation was published in 1991 by the International Shaiva Siddhanta Research Centre, Dharmapuram, Tamil Nadu, India

On this book release funcion Honourable Justice opinion:

Justice Krishnaswami Reddiar strongly criticised the modern tendency of publishing trash in the name of research. He said research must have an aim, a purpose, to get at the truth. Research was not meant to find evidence to denigrate an ancient faith. Research should not start with preconclusions or prejudices. Here the author’s motive was to show the superiority of Christianity. Religion was based not only on facts but also on faith and beliefs. The book had hurt Hindu beliefs.

Justice Krishnaswami Reddiar quoted from the works of Sita Ram Goel and Ishwar Sharan and asserted that the visit of St. Thomas to India was a myth. He wondered how could such a book be published by [the International Institute of Tamil Studies, Adyar, Madras,] set up by the Government. It was a crime that such a book had been written and published and awarded a doctorate degree [by the University of Madras,] he said.

Sir-This book was sent to Santhome Arch Bishop and Deivanayagam, what is your opinion.

NOW SCHOLARLY Opinions from a Jesuit Father

திருக்குறளில் கிறித்தவம்-மெய்த்திரு (டாக்டர்) எஸ். இராச மாணிக்கம், S.J. கத்தோலிக்க லயோலா கல்லூரித் தமிழ்த்துறை தலைவர் இயேசு சபையாளருமான Rev. S.J.Rajamanikam was the H.O.D of Tamil Dept Loyala College, and he was asked to present a Paper on –Presence of Christianity in ThiruKural, at Venkateshwara University – Thirupathi in Tamil; here Learned Scholar explains the ideals of Valluvar and how it varies with the important ideals of Christianity- and finally comes to Deivanayagam and I quote-
“ நிற்க. தற்போது ‘தெய்வநாயகம்’ என்ற புலவர் ‘திருவள்ளுவர் கிறித்தவர்’ என்று கூறி, கிறித்தவத்துக்கு முரணாகத் தென்படும் பல குறளுக்குப் புதிய விளக்கம் கூறி வருகிறார். மேலும், 1. ‘திருவள்ளுவர் கிறித்தவரா? 2. ஐந்தவித்தான் யார்? 3. வான் 4. நீத்தார் யார்? 5. சான்றோர் யார்? 6. எழு பிறப்பு 7. மூவர் யார்? 8. அருட்செல்வம் யாது? என்ற பல நூல்களை வெளியிட்டிருக்கிறார். அவற்றுள் சிலவற்றை ஊன்றிப் படித்தும், அவர் வலியுறுத்தும் கருத்தை நம்மால் ஒப்புக் கொள்ள முடியவில்லை. ‘திருவள்ளுவர் மறுபிறப்பை ஏற்கவில்லை’ என்றும், ‘ஐந்தவித்தான் என்பான் கிறித்து’ என்றும், ‘வான் என்பது பரிசுத்த ஆவி’ என்றும், நித்தார் என்பவர் கிறித்து பெடுமானார்’ என்றும், ‘சான்றோர் என்பது கிறித்தவர்களைச் சுட்டுகின்றது’ என்றும் பல சான்றுகளால் அவர் எடுத்துரைக்கின்றார்.

இக்கருத்துக்களோ, அவற்றை மெய்ப்பிக்க அவர் கையாளும் பலச் சான்றுகளோ, நமக்கு மனநிறைவு அளிக்கவில்லை. கிறித்துவ மதத்துக்குரிய தனிச்சிறப்பான கொள்கை ஒன்றும் திருக்குறளில் காணப்படவில்லை. கிறித்துபெருமானின், பெயர் கூட வரவில்லை. ஆனால் இந்திரன்(25), திருமால்(அடியளந்தான்-610;அறவாழி-8; தாமரைக் கண்ணான்-103), திருமகள் (செய்யவள்-167; செய்யாள்-84; தாமரையினாள்-617), மூதேவி(தவ்வை-167, மாமுகடி-617), அணங்கு(1081). பேய்(565), அலகை(850), கூற்று(375,765,1050,1083; கூற்றம்-269,1085), காமன் (1197), புத்தேள் (58,234,213,290,966,1322), இமையார்(906), தேவர்(1073), வானோர்(18, 346) முதலிய இந்து மதத் தெய்வங்கள் சுட்டப்படுகின்றன. பக்கம்-92-93- from திருக்குறள் கருத்தரங்கு மலர்-1974,(Thirukural Karuththarangu Malar-1974) Edited by Dr.N.Subbu Reddiyar

After the Frist World Tamil Conference, Karunanithi in a meeting advised the Tamilnadu Universities to Research Kural and Madurai Kamaaraj University got Aram for its Kural PEETAM.

I take from Madurai Kamarajar University’s Kural Peedam established by Mu.Varadarajanar, and Peedam selected Lecturer. Selvi.Kamatchi Sinivasan, who was born in a Saivite family in Srilanka, came to India, served various collages before Joining the Kural Peedam. She hadconverted to Christianity also. She was of highest repute for integrity, and Peedam asked her to bring Books

1. குறள் கூறும் சமுதாயம்
2. திருகுறளும் விவிலியமும் (Tirukural and Bible)
3. குறள் கூறும் சமயம் ( Religion of Tirukural) and One more also.

The books were published by Peetam after the death of the Author, i.e., the views represented edited by A team of Experts who made final Edition.
The Author was selected for Her Strict Integrity, being a Christian Convert- as that was the time Deivanayagam was making with the political support of DMK rule and Pavanar links that Tiruvalluvar was Christian and Tirukural is a book based on Bible. The end result was that the Author Madam lost her beliefs on Christianity on researching Bible.

Finally looking at the Methods Adopted by M.Deivanayagam, the Learned Author says –from the works of Deivanayagam, it is doubtful whether Deivanayagam Understood Thirukural or for that Matter Deivanayagam’ Credential of Understanding of History of Christianity is doubtful. I QUOTE Kamatchi Sinivasan book called Kural Kurum Samayam-

மு.தெய்வநாயகத்தின் நூல்களைப் படிக்கும்போது அவர் திருக்குறளைச் சரியாக புரிந்து கொண்டாரா என்பதனுடன் கிறிஸ்தவ சமய வரலாற்றையும் எவ்வளவு கற்றறிந்தார் என்ற ஐயமே ஏற்படுகிறது. – குறள் கூறும் சமயம்//

ப.ச.ஏசுதாசன், முன்னாள் திருச்சி பிஷப். ஹீபர் கல்லூரி துணை முதல்வரும், தமிழ்த் துறைத் தலைவர்-பேராசிரியர் எழுதியதைப் பாருங்கள்.

“திருவிவிலியக் கருத்துக்களைத்தான் திருக்குறள் கூறியுள்ளது என்று நிறவும் முயற்சியில் நான் ஈடுபடவில்லை. அது தேவையற்ற, பயனற்ற ஒன்று. அதனாலே அழுக்காறு தான் தோன்றும். ஒத்த சிந்தனைகள், நன்நெறிக் கருத்துக்கள் நற்சிந்தனையாளர்களிடையே நாடு கடந்தும், மொழி கடந்தும், இனம் கடந்தும், சமயம் கடந்தும் தோன்றுவது இயல்பே. எனவே இதிலிருந்து தான் இது தோன்றியது என வாதிடுவது நல்லதல்ல. ஒரு மொழியில் தோன்றிய ஒரு நூலின் செல்வாக்கு, பதிவு, அம்மொழியில் தோன்றும், பிற இலக்கியங்களிடையே இடம் பெறப் பல நூற்றாண்டுகள் ஆகும். அவ்வாறாயின், தகவல் சாதனங்கள் வளர்ச்சி பெற்றிறாத, போக்குவரத்து சாதனங்கள் பெரிதும் அற்ற காலத்தில் இனத்தாலும், மொழியாலும் சமய நிலையாலும் வேறான திரு விவிலியமும், பொது மறையாம் ஒன்றையொன்று தழுவியன எனக் கூறல் ஏற்புடையதன்று.”
பக்கம் -5,6. திருக்குறளும் திரு விவிலியமும்- P.S..இயேசுதாசன்

முடிவாக –
“திரு விவிலியத்தின் பழைய ஏற்பாட்டுப் பகுதியோடு தான் திருக்குறள் செய்திகளைப் பெரிதும் ஒப்பிட முடிகிறது.”
பக்கம் -167திருக்குறளும் திரு விவிலியமும்- P.S..இயேசுதாசன்.

திருக்குறள்-G.U.Pope உரை
543. அந்தணர் நூற்கும் அறத்திற்கும் ஆதியாய்
நின்றது மன்னவன் கோல்.
G.U.Pope 543
Learning and virtue of the sages spring,
From all-controlling sceptre of the king.
The sceptre of the king is the firm support of the Vedas of the Brahmin, and of all virtues therein

559. முறைகோடி மன்னவன் செய்யின் உறைகோடி
ஒல்லாது வானம் பெயல்.
G.U.Pope 559
Where king from right deflecting, makes unrighteous gain,
The seasons change, the clouds pour down no rain.
If the king acts contrary to justice, rain will become unseasonable, and the heavens will withholdtheir showers.

560. ஆபயன் குன்றும் அறுதொழிலோர் நூல்மறப்பர்
காவலன் காவான் எனின்.
G.U.Pope 560Where guardian guardeth not, udder of kine grows dry,
And Brahmans’ sacred lore will all forgotten lie.
If the guardian (of the country) neglects to guard it, the produce of the cows will fail, and the men of six duties viz., the Brahmins will forget the vedas.//

Holy see’s Publisher “Burn Oates & Wash BouRne Ltd” has Published Multi Volume “Butler’s Lives of Saints” Edited by Rev.Alban Butler (with Nihil Obstat & Imprimatur from Two Archbishop for its Doctrinal Acceptance) says-

“.. the Syrian Greek who was probably the fabricator of the Storywould have been able to learn from Traders and Travelers such details as the name Gondophorus with Tropical details.”. Pages 213-218, in Volume December.

The Authors have gone through all the major works of the claims of St.Thomas Indian visit claims and one of the highly acclaimed work of ‘The Early Spread of Christianity in India’- Alfred Mingana connected this with Apostle Thomas visit claims and clearly affirms-

“It is likely enough that the Malabar Coast was Evangelized from Edessa at a Later date, and in the course of time a confused tradition connected this with Apostle Thomas himself.”

SIR-How come so many P.Hd.s offered when very clearly Christian Scholars so nothing in Thirukural is to do with Bible.Let Mylapur Church stop these CRIMINAL Activities immediately



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RE: பி.எச்டி. வாங்கலியோ பி.எச்டி.! சாந்தோம் சர்ச்


The most recent research findings bring out very implausible and overwhelming knowledge of the Indian religious traditions, especially that of Christianity. All these years, these traditions were known strangled amidst the casteism of the native religious trends in the national level and racism in the international plane.

Till I came across the five doctoral dissertations of the University of Madras on the topics,

  1. Comparative study of the Bible, Thirukkural and Saiva siddhanta - by Dr. M. Deivanayagam,
  2. Origin and Development of Tamil Bhakti Movement - in the Light of the Bible - by Dr. D. Devakala,
  3. Six Darshanas and the Religions of the Tamils - in the Light of Bible - by Dr.J.D. Baskara Das
  4. The Songs of Tamil Siddhars and the Bible by Dr. Moses Michael Faraday and
  5. Trinity in Tamil Literature by Dr. Johnson Thankiah,

I too believed that Indian religious traditions were purely based on the native concepts of Hinduthva.

Indian National Leaders and litterateurs, like Pandit Jawaharl Nehru, Dr. Sarvappally Radhakrishnan etc. had very convincingly accepted and cited that Christianity came to India much earlier than it spread in Europe. However the current Christian population in India is meager 2.3% even after 2000 years of its origin. The reason for this frenzied figure was always a riddle in my mind till I came across the above stated research papers.

In obedience to the commandments contained in Deuteronomy 32:7 which says "Remember the days of old; Consider the generations long past; Ask your father and he will tell you; your elders and they will explain to you", the above mentioned scholars have investigated the past history of India and her religions comparing the same with other religions of the world. Some of the important findings can be summed up as follows:


Christianity is an Asian religion, originated in Asia. It is not a Western religion.


Christianity came to India 2000 years ago. Thus Christianity in India is 2000 years old.


St. Thomas, a Hebrew/Yavana, came to India in 52 AD and worked here till 72 AD and died as a Martyr. His grave is in Mylapore, in Tamilnadu. The churches founded by St.Thomas are found even today in Kerala and Tamilnadu.


The native people of India are Dravidians. They constitute 90% of India’s population, who are divided into 52% of backward castes, 15 % of Schedules castes, 7% of Scheduled Tribes and 16% of Religious Minorities. They are subjugated by the 10% of Aryan invaders through the tool of Varnashrama Dharma, i.e. Caste System.


Dravidians are the founders of the great Indus Valley Civilization which came to light only in the 1920-s.


The people of Indus valley i.e. the valley of the Sindhu river, were called Sindhus. Foreigners who were unable to pronounce the sound 's' pronounced it as 'h' and thus the word ' Sindhu' became 'Hindu'. Initially, the term ‘Sindhu’ had no spiritual or religious attributes at all. It meant only the people of Sindhu valley or 'Dravidians'. It was during the British rule that Sir William Jones, the then chief justice of British India at Calcutta, who gave the name Hinduism to the religion of the non-Christian and non-Muslim population of India to administer justice. This was done because the Christians had the Canon based on the Bible, the Muslims had Islamic law based on the Quran; and on the same basis, the Calcutta Brahmins produced before William Jones the Manu Dharma Sastra as the basis to rule the non-Christian and non-Muslim Indians of the day. Manu Dharma Sastra was a social law of apartheid, coined by the invading Aryans to rule the black skinned Dravidian native people of India. This is how Hinduism (or the principles of Manudharma) was given a religious colour. This is why the Supreme Court of India has rightly pronounced that Hinduism (or Hindutva in Hindi) is a way of life and not a religion.


Prior to the period of arrival of St. Thomas in India, the whole of India was speaking 'Proto Tamil'. Even today Baluchistanis speak 'Brahui' (Proto-Tamil).


In the religions of Jainism and Buddhism, which were of its early age at the time of arrival of St. Thomas. These were Dravidian religions.


It is St. Thomas and his Yavana contemporaries who brought the theistic doctrines of 1. incarnation or Avatar, 2. Trinity, 3. Fulfillment of Sacrifice (on the cross)and 4. Salvation by faith to the adherents of Dravidian religions 


These theistic doctrines interacted with the Dravidian religions and Dravidian worship practices of the Tamils and produced the Tamil Bhakti Movement.


Thirukkural was the first Christian literature in Tamil .It was followed by the Tamil Saivite religious literature of Panniru Thirumuraigal, etc and the Tamil Vaishnavite religious literature of Nalayira Divya Prabantham. In all these Tamil literatures we have the doctrines of Christianity.


Aryans do not belong to any given race. The term Aryan is a name given by Dravidian Indians to the foreign invaders, namely, Persians, Greeks, Sakas, Kushans, Huns and the Roman Traders who settled in India from 6th c. B.C. to 4th c. A.D. 


Sanskrit is not that ancient a language as projected and claimed by Aryans. The first ever evidence of the Sanskrit writings, that too in the Dravidian Pali script is found in Gujarath in 150 AD.


Veda Vyasa is a Dravidian. He wrote the Vedas which contain the concepts of Old Testament. It is Veda Vyasa, again who wrote the Vedanta literature namely, the Upanishads, Brahma Sutra and the Bhagavat Gita all of which contain the New Testament message of Jesus Christ and His salvation.


St. Thomas did not come to India with the Bible. The term 'Christian' also was not familiar when St. Thomas came to India. The Tamil equivalent to Christian used at that time as can be found in the early Tamil literature is 'Sanror' which means witnesses.


It is from south India that Saivism and Vaishnavism spread to north India. The majority of ancient Savite and Vaishnavite temples are found in Tamilnadu. Stalwarts, of these Dravidian religions, namely, 63 Nayanmars and 12 Alwars are all from Tamilnadu. To spread this new-found theistic doctrines to the north Indian Dravidians, who, by then had forgotten their mother tongue (Tamil),the Early Indian Christians, viz. Saivites and Vaishnavites fabricated Sanskrit language using words from Tamil, Pali, Ardhamagadhi, Aramaic, Greek, Persian and Latin.


In the Saivite and Vaishnavite temples, we find the Sanctum - Sanctorum, the Altar and the Calf. This is nothing but the replica of the Israelite temple components. This temple construction method is unknown to India prior to the arrival of Yavanas. The Aryans did not have temple worship. They were only fire worshippers.


Even though there is an altar in the Saivite and Vaishnavite temples, they do not offer any animal sacrifice. This is because the early Indian Christians had acknowledged the sacrifice offered by Christ, once and for all for mankind. 


In Thirukkural as well as in the Dravidian religious literature of Saivism and Vishnavism, which constitute today’s Hindu Religion (i.e. the religion of the Sindhu people) the message of Christ's salvation is there. The Upanishads tell them in Sanskrit.


No original religious or spiritual literatures are written by Aryans. Aryan Brahmins like Adi Shankara, Ramanuja and Madhava wrote intriguing interpretations to the original writings of Dravidians like Veda Vyasa. In doing so, they interpolated principles of Varnashrama Dharma, utilizing which , the Aryans subjugated the religion and the whole poeple of India.


Hindutva is Varnashrama Dharma. That is not religion. Hindu religion is Saivism and Vaishnavism, which are Early Indian Christianity brought by St. Thomas, but later on subjugated by Aryan Brahmins for gaining political power.


Saivism and Vaishnavism are two denominations of Early Indian Christianity. In Saivism, in the doctrine of Trinity they attribute Holy Spirit in feminine form as Shakti. In Vaishnavism, the Holy Spirit is attributed in masculine form as Vishnu. 


Isa or Isha means Jesus. There is one Isho-Upanishad. In another Upanishad there is the cardinal gospel 'Satyameva Jeyate' which means Truth will triunph. Jesus declared that 'I am the way, the Truth and the Life" and "You will know the Truth and the Truth will Set you free"

If these research findings would have been available to the European Missionaries in the 16th century, perhaps they could have adopted the method which St. Paul adopted in Athens where he presented Christ as God whom the Athenians were already worshipping as the 'Unknown God' inscribed in their altars(Acts Chapter 17:23).

If Hinduism is not a religion, as the Supreme Court of India has declared, If Saivism and Vaishnavism are two denominations of Early Indian Christianity brought by St. Thomas in 1st c. AD, as claimed by the above research works, 

If the basic doctrines of these Dravidian religions are

  1. Doctrine of incarnation of God as man,
  2. Doctrine of Trinity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit,
  3. Doctrine of Fulfillment of Sacrifice by the Son of God, and
  4. The doctrine of Salvation by Faith and

if the claim of the word Hindu and Hindi originated from 'Sindhu', is not Indian religious traditions Christianic?

For more clarifications, the readers are advised to read the book 'Research on the History of World Religions Reveals INDIA IS A CHRISTIAN NATION, which can be had from the Indian Anarya Samaj Ministries, 16-A, Chidambaranathan Street, Ramavarma puram, Nagercoil Post, PIN 629001, South India e-mail,

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