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Jewish Scholar Refutes The Holocaust and lies of 60 Lakhs Jews being Killed - Mere exaggarated Lies

Jewish Scholar Refutes The Holocaust

Holocaust Hype Articles




Jewish Scholar Refutes The Holocaust
A Letter To Brother Nathanael Kapner June 18, 2014 ©

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The following is a Letter I received from a Jewish scholar regarding his reasoned doubts of the Holocaust as presented by Jewry. With his permission to publish the Letter along with his full name, herein is presented a convincing refutation of the Holocaust Hoax.
+Brother Nathanael Kapner

“DEAR BROTHER NATHANAEL… My name is Robert Litoff. I have been following your site for many years. You may publish this Letter and my name.


I was born in New Haven, Connecticut in 1945 of two Jewish parents but am now a non-practicing Jew. As far as I can trace, all my ancestors are Jews.

I graduated Phi Beta Kappa in psychology from the University of Connecticut.

The claim that 6 million Jews died during World War II is wrong.

During the war period, before and shortly afterward, 5 million Jews went to Israel, and the Jewish population of North America increased from 4 million to 6 million.

Jews also went to Brazil, Argentina, Australia and other nations. This accounts for the decrease of 6 million Jews in Europe.

The world Jewish population was 15 million circa 1929 but it reached an estimated high of 18 million in 1989, an increase of 16%, which would have been impossible if 6 million Jews died in World War II.

The rabbi of my synagogue was Rabbi Andrew Klein who was a Hungarian Jew. He was interned in Auschwitz during World War II. His wife and 2 sons, Theodore and Lester, were interned in Bergen-Belsen.

One of the stories you hear about the nazis is that they killed all the Jews who could not work. But, Theodore and Lester were both children who could not work when they were at Bergen-Belsen but they were not killed.

Soon after the end of the war, there were a few different stories of how the nazis committed mass murder. One was that the victims were put in water and an electric current was sent through the water electrocuting the victims.

Another was that the victims were thrown in great fiery pits. Yet another was that the victims were driven in trucks which had their exhaust fumes channeled into the compartment in which the victims were placed, thereby killing them.

Finally, there is the story about the victims ‘taking showers’ in gas chambers which is the one claimed today. I take issue with this claim for the following reasons.







ZYKLON-B WAS INVENTED in America, not Germany. It was first used in Texas to disinfect the clothing of Mexicans crossing the border.

In the German work camps, Zyklon-B was used to disinfect the clothing of the internees to stem the tide of typhus.

Perhaps you have heard the story that the internees were led into a room in which they were told that they would be given showers and then they were gassed to death.

In reality, the doors of a real gas chamber would have to be airtight and look something like an airplane door. Otherwise, the gas would seep out and kill those operating the gas chamber.

In employing a gas chamber for an execution of one person, (as it was once done in America), a method used was to have potassium nuggets dropped into sulfuric acid by a lever. This would result in the production of hydrogen cyanide which would kill the person being executed.

Before the doors of the gas chamber could be opened—post-execution—another gas, anhydrous ammonia, must be injected into the chamber to react with the poisonous gas to make it a less lethal resulting gas.

Even so, anhydrous ammonia being poisonous, it would react with the gas used and would have to be scrubbed away. All of this would have been a long, dangerous, inefficient and toilsome task for the nazis to destroy ‘millions’ using gas chambers.

If Hitler wanted to kill as many Jews as he could, he would have had them shot by machine guns and automatic rifles. This would have been the least expensive and quickest way to commit mass murder. And, tragically, there were many mass murders in World War II by soldiers using machine guns and automatic rifles.

But, I am only stating that the claim that Hitler committed a genocidal war against Jews is false. I am not defending Hitler. He started a war which caused the deaths of millions.







I FIRST READ Elie Wiesel’s “Night” when in it was an earlier publication.

In this early edition, Wiesel does not mention any gas chambers but states that mass murder was committed by throwing Jews of all ages into great fiery pits.

When I ask various Jews why did Wiesel not mention gas chambers if they existed, and, if great fiery pits were used to kill people, then why are people not talking about the great fiery pits now like people are always talking about the gas chambers?

The usual response is that the victims were killed by both methods and that Wiesel’s failure to mention gas chambers is not proof that the gas chambers for killing people did not exist. This answer is not convincing since Wiesel purports to be giving an eyewitness account.

Weasel (misspelling intentional…for the man is a deceiver and a sneak) wrote about the internees taking showers, being shaved of all body hair, and being covered with disinfectant which would be consistent with a program to prevent typhus and other diseases from killing the internees and not consistent with a program which wanted the internees to die.

earlyedhoax.jpgIn the earlier edition of “Night,” Wiesel wrote that he had surgery on one of his feet at a “well equipped hospital” in Auschwitz before taken to other camps. In the newer editions of “Night” this has been changed to an “infirmary.”

Yet, in both editions, he states that he was given two weeks off from work after his surgery which is inconsistent with the claim that all internees who could not work were killed.

Weasel wrote that while he was recuperating the Russians were approaching Auschwitz and the Germans knew that they could not hold out in Auschwitz any longer.

So, they offered all their internees who were in the hospital that they could decide whether to wait for the Russian soldiers to come or leave with the Germans. Wiesel decided to leave with the Germans who were supposedly committing genocide against the Jews instead of waiting for liberation by the Russians.

Perhaps, you have seen pictures of piles of dead and walking skeletons of a liberated concentration camp.

But, by the end of the war, all Germans were having difficulty feeding themselves.

Also, the American and British air forces were bombing all the railroad tracks making it impossible to bring sufficient quantities of food into the camps. So, America and Britain share most of the blame for the starvation in the camps at the end of the war.

Jews need to keep bringing up the Holocaust so they can extort billions of dollars from America and its most advanced weapons systems for their Zionist program in Israel.

Jews own and control America’s mainline media, so that they can control most everything Americans hear and see.


While Americans argue about what to do about medical care and how much it will cost, Israel has a much more generous medical care program for its citizens and does not need to worry about the costs because it’s paid for by tax-paying American citizens in the aid we give to Israel.

-- Edited by Admin on Tuesday 13th of September 2016 06:52:19 PM



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RE: Jewish Scholar Refutes The Holocaust

Ten proofs against Six Million Jews murdered in ‘the Holocaust’ 

The final end of the Myth

Six million murdered Jews in a "Holocaust" is a Talmudic topic, a Jewish religious metaphor for disaster, distributed for centuries, without any concrete base. The IMT at Nuremberg in 1945, re-enacted this number taken as 'evidence' two bad "hearsay witnesses", whom supposed "spokesman" Eichmann called "phantasts". There was and is no justification for this now by historians called ‘symbolic’ number. The religious character of it is confirmed by the current political and dogmatic Stalinist fixation and the rather inquisitorial persecution of critics in many Western countries. 

All this suffices to speak of this fixed quota as a religious myth. However, to deal for good with this Talmudic mantra, I give Ten concrete proofs of the fallacy of this obligatory imposed and far too high number. Not because a lower number is less gruesome or sad, but simply because historical truthdeserves primacy above myths. 

The next ten concrete proofs showing each in itself the impossibility of this Holocaust Number: 

1. The actual number of Jews under German regime never exceeded 4.5 million. 
2. Jewish-stated numbers of Jews in the World before and after the War. 
3. Demographic impossibility phenomenon: number of Jews before and after the War. 
4. Jews emigrated and taking refuge to the Soviet Union. 
5. An empirical-statistical approach. 
6. Number of Jews who applied for survivor pensions. 
7. Retro calculation survivors 1945, based on the number of living survivors in 2004. 
8. Unproven "gas chambers" and "mass gassings”. 
9. Lack of remains, mass graves and ash quantities make ‘Six Million’ implausible.
10. Ratio of Jews killed in camps/elsewhere. 

The complexity of the matter is significant because of the many factors affecting any given number, from the definition who is Jewish, the mobility of Jews themselves, border changes before, during and after the War, to political motives behind presented numbers, etc. Not being sure whether all sources and quantities are correct, certain is however, that numbers without sources ("Six Million") are incorrect! I apologize for some inevitable complex figures, but truth about the Holocaust is only to be found in the details. 

1. The actual number of Jews under the German regime never exceeded 4.5 million 

The number of Jews under German administration can be deduced from pre-war Jewish population statistics, the Wannsee Protokoll, the Korherr Report from the Wartime German Office of Statistics and research, and by serious demographers as Prof. W.N. Sanning (Sanning, Walter N., The Dissolution of Eastern European Jewry. Institute for Historical Review. 1989. ISBN 0-939484-11-0. German translation: Die Auflösung des osteuropäische Judentum. 1983. © Grabert-Verlag, Tübingen. ISBN 3-87847-06-02.), dr. C. Nordling (The Jewish Establishment under Nazi-Threat and Domination, 1938-1945. 1990. The Journal of Historical Review, Vol. 10, no. 2, p. 195, ISSN 0195-6752), Prof. F. Hankins, (How Many Jews Were Eliminated by the Nazis? 1983. The Journal of Historical Review, 1990. Vol. 4, no. 1, p. 61. ISSN 0195-6752), as well as surveys, studies and statements by other independent experts. 
Jewish population statistics indicate at the beginning of the War (1939) around 9 million European Jews: 8,861,800, 8,939,608 (American Jewish Congress (figure) and 9.3 million. This also included Jews in the European part of Russia (3,020,143) and Ukraine. Historian Yehuda Bauer of the Yad Vashem memorial in Israel too spoke of nine million Jews in Europe (A History of the Holocaust, New York: Franklin Watts, 1982, ISBN 0-531-098621). This makes 9 million Jews in Europe in 1939 a fair assumption. 

Poland was recorded before its division, including Jews in parts of Ukraine and Belarus, then belonging to Poland; according to the AJC a total of 3,113,900Jews. 

Far from all European Jews came under German rule. Prof. Sanning shows that late 1939 in the German annexed part of Poland, the factual number of Jews under German occupation were not 3,113,900, as Holocaust resources usually mention, but 2,356,900 less (!), being 757,000. This 2.3 million lower number can be derived out of the following facts: 
1. Between 1931 and 1939 the number of Jews in Poland reduced with 480,900 (15.4%) due to Jewish emigration and high excess mortality, to 2,633,000. 
2. Of these, 1,026,000 were in Soviet-occupied Poland, so theoretically 1,607,000 remained under German government. 
3. Hundreds of thousands fled to Soviet territory right away (among them the late Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin), while the Germans also expelled large groups of Jews over the border. West German, Zionist, American and Polish sources leave no doubt that after the German occupation, only 757,000 Jews came under German administration (Sanning, p. 39 ff). 
In Germany 1939 were in 240,000 Jews, in Austria 191,408, in Czechoslovakia 356,830 and in Danzig 10,448. This makes the number of Jews under German rule inclusive occupied half of Poland 1,555,686. Three years later, in 1942, caused by emigration, flight and other causes according to Sanning’s Jewish sources there were in Germany 164,000 Jews, 50,000 in Austria, 255,000 in Czechoslovakia and about 10,000 in Danzig, total 479,000, which reduced the factual number of Jews under German government in 1942 nearly 320,000 to 1,236,448. 
An earlier war phase brought Norway, Denmark, The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and France under German hegemony, where according to Jewish statements were 466,911 Jews. The factual number of Jews under German administration in 1941 became by that 1,703,359. 
With the invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Eastern Poland, Belarus, Ukraine and part of European Russia came under German rule. We reckon all 252,907 Jews from the Baltic States, notwithstanding indications that many managed to escape or were killed by local militias and retreating Soviets. 
In Eastern Poland, Belarus and Ukraine less than 1 million Jews were present during the German advance of 1941. Of the original Jewish population there were large numbers (Sanning 1,550,000) deliberately or otherwise transferred Eastward by the Soviets. This totals the number of Jews under German regime at2,956,266. 
After the invasion of the Soviet Union ("Barbarossa") according to Sanning 80% of all Jews in the Russian front theatre were evacuated by the Soviets, so those never came into contact with German troops. 

In December 1942 Soviet Communist David Bergelson, Zionist propagandist and secretary of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committees in Moscow, wrote (Sanning, p. 114): 

"The evacuation saved the vast majority of Jews from Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania and Latvia. According to information from Vitebsk, Riga and other cities occupied by the fascists, there were only a few Jews when the Germans arrived. Thus a large part of the Polish and Baltic Jews was absorbed by the USSR. " 

By shifting of the front deeper into Russian areas with many Jews, there was the Stalin Ukase of "scorched earth": significant groups fled further Eastward and many Jews were inclined in the Moscow-organized partisan army. The remaining number of Jews effectively under German rule varies by source, but according to Sanning was less than 1 million. 
Adding up all other countries under German rule (Greece, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary, according to Sanning’s Jewish sources total 1,047,400 Jews, the overall number of Jews under German regime derived from the American Jewish Committee and the Statistical Bureau of the Jewish Synagogue Council of America totals 4,003,666, barely 4 million. 

The 'standardwork' by Wolfgang Benz, director of the German Office for Combating Anti-Semitism, whose numbers of Jewish victims one can be sure of not to be ‘antisemitic’, is not surprisingly ‘5.2 to 6 million murdered Jews’. The book appeared in 1991, eight years after Sanning, although Sanning was not mentioned in it and none of his detailed figures was overturned. Benz's book is full of double counting, false assumptions, errors and ‘mistakes’; so he called all 1939 Jews who in 1946 were not registered at their hometowns, "killed by the Nazis” and conceals 700,000 expatriate Polish Jews since 1931. In a sublime comparison of Sanning's work with Benz by revisionist Germar Rudolf, the Benz 'book is rightfully refuted as fraudulent. For those interested: Holocaust Victims: A Statistical Analysis. W. Benz and WN Sanning - A Comparison. (Published in: Dissecting the Holocaust, The Growing Critique of 'Truth' and 'Holocaust', Holocaust Handbook Series, p. 181. Theses & Dissertations Press, PO Box 257768, Chicago, IL 60625, USA. ISBN 0-9679856-2-5. downloads of this and other revisionist works on Free_Downloads_from_VHO ). 

Professor Sanning used Jewish sources only, because he considered Nazi sources (Wannsee Protokoll and Korherr Report) being (too) inaccurate and unreliable. 
Nevertheless, even these too high estimations of the Nazi Wannsee Protokoll (3,836,500 under 'A', plus Vichy France) and Korherr Report (50% of 9,494,368, minus non-occupied Europe) the number of 4.5 million Jews under Nazi rule in Europe was not reached. 
It is self-evident that if no more than 4.5 million Jews were under German administration the Nazis couldn’t have 'Six Million' Jews killed. 

It shows "Six Million murdered Jews" as false propaganda. 

2. Jewish-stated numbers of Jews in the World before and after the War

An approach based on the total number of Jews in the world neither comes near to 'Six Million' murdered Jews. 
We assess the numbers of Jews in the world again on the basis of unsuspected Jewish sources: the World Almanac, featuring information from the American Jewish Committee and the Statistical Bureau of the Jewish Synagogue Council of America. 

Before the war: 
World Almanac 1929 (p. 727): 15,630,000 
National Council of Churches USA 1930: 15,600,000 
World Almanac 1936 (p. 748): 15,753,633 
World Almanac 1938 (p. 510): 15,748,091 

During the war: 
American Jewish Congress Council of Synagogues 1939 15,600,000 
World Almanac 1940 (p. 129): 15,319,359 
World Almanac 1942 (p. 849): 15,192,089 

After the war: 
World Almanac 1947: (p. 748): 15,688,259 
World Almanac 1948: (p. 849): 15,763,630 

As shown, the numbers of Jews before and during the war, are mostly congruent and stable. Therefore, one may take as a fact 15.7 million Jews around the world shortly before the War, with a slight decline during the War. 
Immediately after the War, in 1947, the same sources reported 444,271 Jews more as in 1940! The number of the Council of Synagogues too is 163,630 higherthan that of 1939! 
According to the World Almanac of 1947, the number of Jews in 1939 was 15,688,259. On February 22, 1948 the Jewish owned New York Times, gave the Jewish population of Palestine as 600-700,000; following the lowest number, it results in 16,288,259 Jews Worldwide. Nearly 600,000 more than before the war! So, Jewish statements from 1948 show nothing of 6 million murdered Jews." 
Not surprising thus, the New York Jewish paper Aufbau from December 24,1948 dubbed the "Six Million Story "a pure fabrication." Authoritative experts after the War clearly not believed that 6 million Jews disappeared. 
If between 1939/1940 and 1947 six million Jews were murdered, it is of course impossible that there were more Jews in 1948 than in 1940. With 6 million Jews murdered after the war, no more than 10,288,259 Jews could have been counted then. This was understood by the proponents of the Talmudic number either, which is why after 1947 drastically reduced numbers of Jews appeared on paper. Not only the numbers of post-war Jews were presented much lower, at the same time higher numbers of pre-war Jews were presented. Of course with no substantiation or reference other than in those days circulating astronomic death numbers for the camps. The manipulation of numbers of Jews in the world and Europe clearly is a post-war phenomenon. 

Even if one argues that the numbers of Jews shortly after the war were impure or wrong, one has to explain what the causes were and why this was not indicated. And even if the numbers of Jews shortly after the war were wrong, the subsequent millions lower in 1947 must be supported by evidence. That never happened. Only 46 years later, in 1991, the fraudulent, demonstrably worthless work of Benz appeared, an example of Jewish Mathematics resulting in '6 million'. 

The first differing post-war assignment came in the Almanac of 1949. Then the Jewish World population was set forth for 1947 as 11,266,600. This was4,421,659 lower than the previous statement: 
1939: 15,688,259 
1947: 11,266,600 
Difference: 4,421,659 
But, even 4,421,659 less doesn’t make Six Million. What next? 
Simple, the 
Almanac promptly gave higher numbers of pre-war Jews too: 
in 1946 for 1939 still 15,688,259 Jews, 
in 1949 for 1939 16,643,210 Jews! 
Almost 1 million (954,951) more before the war! Added to the 'new' lower number of post-war Jews, now there were on paper 5,376,610 Jews 'disappeared'! This is the origin of the "5.4 or 5.7 million Holocaust murdered” nowadays parroted by official historians, not accompanied by a shred of proof.
The postwar manipulation shows that not WW II led to "Six Million Jews murdered”, but the Talmudic numerus fixus, slavishly accepted by the kin of Holocaust Court historians. 
The chaos and arbitrariness of post-war numbers of Jews in the world is shown by the following: 

Statistical Handbook of Council of Churches USA 1951: 15,300,000. 
Encyclopedia Britannica's 1955 Book of the Year 11,627,450 (All, synagogue member or not). 
U.S. News & World Report, 1983: 16,820,850. 
World Almanac & Book of Facts, 1989: 18,080,000. 
World Almanac, 1996, p. 646: 14,117,000. 
World Almanac & Book of Facts, 2001: 13,200,000. 

Whoever wants to give any credence to Jewish postwar figures about numbers of Jews in the world, surely has a lot to explain. 

This also proves the falsity of the propaganda of 'Six Million'. 



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3. Demographic impossibility phenomenon: number of Jews before and after the War 

This diagram shows the impossibility of the magical 'Six Million' at first glance. It is based on numbers from The World Almanac and Book of Facts, published inNew York World Telegram pages 727, 849, 748 and 441, the 1996 edition of Funk & Wagnall, p. 646, the Encyclopedia Britannica 1955, and shows the numbers of Jews in the World from 1928 to 2000. The yellow line indicates the steadily decreasing number of Jews until 1941 (mortality surplus in 12 years 500,000), and a sharp fall during 1941-1947 (in 6 years 1.9 million less). Then from 1947 to 1964 a continuation of the normal pre-war decline level and after 1964 a stable growth of about 700,000 in 35 years. If we deduct the normal pre-war mortality rate from the decline during the War, the reduction in the number of Jews in the World showed by the yellow line, caused by the War, was 1.65 million. Not six million. 

Looking at the blue line (= the Jewish Holocaust-Version) one sees an incredible phenomenon: during the war a steep drop of over 4 million (‘the Holocaust’), followed by a steep increase until 1964 and from then growth at a stabilizing rate. 
Such an incredible increase in births until 1964 with abrupt stabilization at a moderate growth level is impossible. Such a 'catch-up’ effect and abrupt stabilizationcannot be true and therefore is not true. The truth is, that neither the post-war numbers of Jewish organizations, nor those of the Jewish Holocaust-Version are true.

To demonstrate the inconsistency of Jewish population ‘information’, comparatively a graph from the Netherlands Central Bureau of Statistics about the development of the Dutch population over the previous century. This shows that even a massive increase in the number of births in the post-war years 1945-'55 of 20-25% (the Dutch call this ‘the Baby Boom’) is hardly visible in the population diagram! Of course, the scaling of both diagrams differs a little, but it is nevertheless clear that recovery rates as pretended by Jewish figures, never happened. 

It depicts an impossible post-war demographic development, as well as an impossible discrepancy in relation to the reality of today. 

4. Jews emigrated and taking refuge to the Soviet Union. 

Before the War till 1942 there was huge emigration of Jews from Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia, the Baltic States and - especially - Poland. Sanning calculated that the number of Jews in those areas only for that reason decreased by 969,000 (Sanning, Table 14, p. 231). 
Furthermore, after the war (1948-1970) another 1,548,000 Jews emigrated from Europe to destinations as the United States, Israel, South America, but also Canada, Australia, etc. 
Even during the war, emigration of Jews with visas for Palestine, U.S., South American countries, etc., continued as much as possible. Those who couldn’t leave were housed in camps as Bergen-Belsen and in southern France like Vittel. Hundreds of thousands of Jews never came in concentration camps, let alone being killed. 

Evidence for mass emigration include: (a) the testimony of U.S. Under Secretary of State Breckinridge Long before a Congressional Commission in 1943, stating that approximately 580,000 illegal Jewish refugees were allowed in the U.S., (b) mass emigration of Jews selected by Zionists to Palestine (almost 300,000),(c) increase in the number of Jews in Latin America (almost 200,000) and non-occupied Western Europe (over 100,000). Sanning based this figures on Allied, Zionist, pro-Zionist and Western sources. 
Pre- and post-war Jewish emigration reduced the number of Jews possibly killed in the War with more than 2.5 million (2.517 million). 
After the partition of Poland in 1939, according to Sanning 1.550.000 Jews fled to Soviet-annexed Eastern Poland (Feiling Foster wrote: '2, 2 million’). Sanning's number seems however more likely. After the German attack on the Soviet Union in '41 again approximately 1 million Polish Jews were deported Eastward by the Soviets.
The Nazis also transported 1,449,692 Jews from the General Government in Poland to Russian "Ostgebiet" (Graf, J., Hoax or Holocaust. Aaargh, p. 84.). 

Historian Dr. Aschenauer wrote in Krieg ohne Grenzen: 
[. . .] "Solzjenitzyn confirms multiple proofs, "a number of Jewish sources stated that, the Soviet leadership immediately after the start of the war gave priority orders to evacuate the Jews in the western border provinces with thousands of wagons and carts. . . 1 to 1,1 million Jews were thus saved for productive labour in the hinterland." 

Stuart Kahan, nephew of the notorious Soviet Jewish mass murderer Lazar Kaganovitch, confirms this preferential treatment of Jews in his book The Wolf of the Kremlin (1987), blz. 206): 
"At the insistence of Lazar Kaganovitch, Stalin ordered the evacuation of all persons from the border areas, especially the Jews, the largest group in the area. Stalin did not like the Jews, but the order they received was to burn down their homes, killing their cattle and retreat into the hinterland of Russia. . . It was better the Jews moved to the hinterland and left nothing to Hitler, as to work for him as slaves, letting livestock, food supplies and other goods to Hitler." 

Rabbi Benjamin Schultz, chairman of the Jewish League (Die Welt, September 25, 1954, reported), declared before the US Congress that during the Second World War, 3,390,000 Jews on Soviet territory disappeared without a trace. He maintained that this massacre has been purposely kept secret so not to embarrass the Soviet Union.
German historian Erich Kern, researching Rabbi Schultz's startling statement, concludes that, even if this figure is a bit too high:
"In any case, it is certain that about twice as many Jews were done to death in territory controlled by Soviet Russia than in that controlled by the Germans."(See: Deutsche Wochenzeitung, January 13, 1967).

The number of European Jews in 1933 (9,000,000), the emigrated Jews before and during the war (1.1 million), the Soviet deported Jews (2.5 million) and non-Jews in occupied Europe (almost 1 million) brings the actual number of Jews under German rule at 4.4 million. This is consistent with the revisionist number of Jews killed (1-1.5 million) and a number of 3 to 4.5 million survivors. 

The massive movement from Jews out of the German sphere of influence demonstrates the impossibility of "Six Million Jews murdered. 

5. An empirical-statistical approach 

The approach of the actual number of Jews killed during the War is – as we have already seen – very complex. All sources are of limited reliability and even if one eliminates errors, omissions, duplication, etc., it remains almost impossible to draw definite conclusions, or one-on-one comparisons. 
Sanning’s study – neither free of inaccuracies - is nevertheless by far the most scientifically sound and reliable. 
His outcomes are backed by - amongst others - scientific research of revisionist Dr. Carl C. Nordling. This statistician analyzed the events of Jews during World War II on a different basis, namely on a limited number of survivors. 
Sanning's and Nordling's methods differ significantly. See Sanning's study as an archaeological field research, factually implying all known facts, compared to Nordling’s scientifically-statistical random probing. If one takes both studies apart, it is difficult to draw comparative conclusions. However, if one places Sanning's numerical results for the various categories of Jews (natural mortality, emigrated, certainty dead, survivors, etc.) next to Nordling’s percentual results, there is an astonishing agreement between them (Jewish Casualties During World War II, The Holocaust Historiography Project) barely differing by category. The salient agreement between these varying research methodologies confirms the overall accuracy of Sanning's results, like those of Nordling. 

Scientific agreement thus confirms the validity of the revisionist method and therefore the inaccuracy of the number "six million Jews murdered by the Nazis. 



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 6. Number of German Jews who applied for survivor pensions 

Following a copy of a letter from a German who September 1985 asked the German Ministry of Finance how many people made applications via Israel for survivor pensions because of the Wiedergutmachungsregelung. The reply of the Ministry: the total per January 1st 1985 was at least 6-7,000,000 applications! 

Der Bundesminister der Finanzen 
5300 Bonn 1 
Graurheindorferstr. 108 

10. September 1985 
VI A4-01478-L 4/85 
Herrn Werner Laska 

Betr.:Wiedergutmachung nationalsozialistischen Unrechts; hier: Leistungen an Israel
Bezug:Ihr Schreiben vom 4. September 1985

Sehr geehrter Herr Laska, 
auf Ihr Schreiben vom 4. September 1985 darf ich Ihnen zur Ergänzung einen Abdruck der Wiedergutmachungsübersicht nach dem Stande vom 1. Januar 1985 übersenden. Darin finden Sie auf Seite 2 (rot kenntlich gemacht)auch Hinweise auf die Zahl der bis zum 1. Januar 1985 gestellten Anträge. Allein nach dem Bundesentschädigungsgesetz und dem Bundesrückerstattungsgesetz sind es zusammen weit über 5 Millionen. 
Hinzuzurechnen sind außerdem alle Anträge, die im Rahmen sonstiger Wiedergutmachungsregelungen - beispielsweise nach den Entschädigungsgesetzen der einzelnen Bundesländer - gestellt worden sind; insgesamt wird man wohl von mindestens 6 bis 7 Millionen Anträgen ausgehen können. 

Mit freundlichen Grüßen 

Im Auftrag 

Beglaubigt Stempel Unterschrift Angestellte 

The huge number of 'at least 6-7 million' applications for survivor- benefits were only those requested from Israel, so only pertaining to Jews. Not all applications were to be accepted and duplicate and false claims must be considered. On the other hand, applications often were made by a householder, so single applications sometimes concerned several people. Also that many survivors never submitted applications, such as Jews behind the Iron Curtain, for whom the rules did not apply. 
This raises the question: how many survivor benefits were actually be paid? The German government remains in spasmodic silence about this. You can guess why. It is certainly no exaggeration – as many believe – that this was at least 4 to 4.5 million. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu claims for 5 million Holocaust survivors the 'right' of compensation from Germany .... 
With such huge numbers of applications from Jewish survivors, a "Six Million Holocaust" is of course impossible. 

This again proves the falsity of the propaganda of 'Six Million'. 

7. Retro calculation of survivors 1945 based on the number of living survivors in 2004.

Mathematically, the number of Jewish survivors in 1945 was in any case more than 3 million. 
An Israeli government report argues that early 2004, 58.5 years later, 1.092 million Holocaust Survivors were alive (New York Times, April 21, 2005), including 687,900 from occupied Europe. 
If survivors in '45 were of all ages, with an average life expectancy of 75 years, then 58.5 years later, in 2004, 58.5 / 75th of has died with a number of 16.5 / 75th survivors in 2004, which is 75/16, 5 x 687,900 = 3,127,000 surviving Jews in 1945 in Europe. 

Statistician Dr. Nordling earlier calculated on figures from the Israeli Survivors Organization AMCHA 1997, taking into account a standard deviation of 15% and maximization of uncertain factors, this number as "slightly more than 3 million". 
This too ignores the fact that average life expectancy in 1945 was not 75 but 67 years and for Eastern Europe even 57 years; if this is taken into account, the number of survivors in 1945 may be taken several millions higher. 
Because of that, and the fact that many Jews in 2004 were assimilated and/or no longer interested to be counted as Jewish, 5 to 6 million survivors in 1945 is more than just possible. 

With such large numbers of survivors in 1945 and less than 4.5 million Jews ever under Nazi control in Europe, it’s up to the reader to determine the possibility of either the 'Final Solution' and 'Six Million Jews being destroyed ". 

It proves once more the falsity of the number of 'Six Million'. 

8. Unproven "gas chambers" and "mass gassings" 

The fact that no forensic evidence nor traces of 'gas chambers' in which 3 million or more Jews (could) have been killed exists, also makes ‘Six Million murdered Jews’ impossible. 
Not a shred of concrete evidence for "gas chambers", not a shred of forensic evidence for "mass gassings. Neither of 3 million "gassed" Jews. Not even one 'gassed' corpse or part thereof, while current forensic techniques makes it easy to establish such. On the contrary! Forensic investigations has given full proof that in the alleged ‘gas-chambers’ never mass-gassings could have been taken place.
As traceless disappearance of millions of people is impossible and mass gassings are out of the question because of that, 6 million murdered Jews are for that reason alone impossible. No "gas chambers = no Six Million and No Six Million = no "gas chambers", as simple as that. 

This also proves the falsity of the propaganda of 'Six Million'. 

9. Lack of remains, mass graves and ash quantities makes ‘Six Million’ implausible.

As everyone knows, there are in the remotest way no corresponding quantities found of human remains (ashes, corpses, etc.) of Six Million people (or even only 0.1% of it) in and around "extermination camps” or mass graves. 
The only mass graves found are of the Soviet Massacre at Katyn and those of ethnic Germans murdered after the War and those localized in Belarus and Ukraine of thousands of NKVD victims. Where are the hundreds of mass graves with thousands Jewish corpses, the thousands mass graves with hundreds of Jewish corpses or the ten thousand mass graves with hundreds Jewish corpses? Virtually nothing thereof in concreto is found, while it is intensively searched for. Numerous studies were conducted with advanced radar systems, including places like Treblinka, of which is told that 850,000 Jews are ‘gassed’ there, were buried, dig up again and burned to ashes. Nothing, no trace of it can forensically be proved. Indeed, very remarkably, with all those 'witnesses'. 
In the Czech Republic and Yugoslavia mass graves containing hundreds of bodies of Germans and others were discovered, but hardly any from Jews. 
Thousand year old graves and ashes are found by archaeologists, the tomb of Tutankhamen, the grave of the murdered Czar and his family, tens of thousands of corpses of the Eisenhower Rheinwiesenlager, etc., etc. In other words, no grave, no ash-depot or no crime scene from history or sooner or later it was exposed and forensically described. 
Only of "Six Million" Jewish corpses after 65 years little or nothing is found. 

It is for Holocaust-proponents to indicate where the remains of six millions murdered Jews are to be found. So far they have given no sensible explanation for that phenomenon too. And although they bring us all the crime-scenes, dates, murder methods and the most gruesome personal details, they ask us to believethat tens of thousands of tons of human ashes and remains, millions of teeth were blowing in the wind into a miraculous Nowhere. Even on the few acres where they stated millions of people were killed (Auschwitz, Treblinka, Sobibor, Belzec, Chelmno, etc.) nobody succeeded in the past 65 years to show any forensic truth of it, let alone substantial mass graves or ashes. 

3 Million gassed corpses, which are equivalent to 300 mass graves for 10,000 corpses each (most were buried first according to the JHV), or 3,000 mass graves with 1,000 corpses each or 30,000 mass graves, with 100 corpses each. None of it, only the opposite (no ground surface disturbances) is forensically demonstrated (Krege, et al.) 

As long as convincing traces are not to be found, there is no ground for "6 million murdered Jews’. 

Again: evidence for the falsity of the propaganda of 'Six Million'. 

10. Ratio of Jews killed in camps/elsewhere 

Post-war reports of the neutral International Red Cross concerning the number of perished during the war in all German concentration camps, go not above 400,000, Jews and others. The Red Cross affiliation ITS (International Trading Service) possesses 17 million records with more than 40 million documents from almost all Nazi prisoners and forced laborers during the war, but it rejects to give essential details thereof. Nevertheless, the number of less than 400,000 people perished in camps during the whole war leaked out. 
This implicates that except all German concentration camps, outside those camps more than 5.5 million Jews were murdered. An assumption ad absurdum. 

And imagine . . . , what if the "official" numbers of Jews murdered in the Holocaust “extermination camps” are correct: then nearly 3 million Jews were "killed" there (Auschwitz 1.1 million, Majdanek, 60,000, Belzec 483,000, Sobibor, 170,000; Treblinka 870,000, other camps 221,436). In that case, there have been over 3 million Jews murdered outside the camps. A totally unrealistic number indeed, not plausible by any forensic evidence or indication. 

The inaccuracy and religious origin of "Six Million" is also demonstrated by the fact that since 1946 the number of "murdered” Jews in Auschwitz and other 'death camps' officially lowered millions down: Auschwitz 3 million less, other camps also two million less nearly. In spite of these tremendous reductions since 1946, the religious Numerus fixus of '6 million’ never changed. Of course not: "6 Million minus 5 Million = 6 million", this is Holocaust 'Arithmetic' you know. 6 Million was, is and for at least Six Million years to come, shall be the ‘truth’ for every soul on Earth to believe in. Unless one wants to end on a stake.

Of course, this too confirms the falsity of the number of 'Six Million' murdered Jews. 


So, Ten Proofs against the number of 'six million'. Of course there are more than ten, because the crux is not even included: for those 6 million there is andnever was any evidence! 
No Six Million Jews under German rule, no demographic or other evidence for Six Million Jews less after the war, a demographic impossibility phenomenon in post-war numbers of Jews, emigration figures that makes it impossible, two and a half million Jews drained to the Soviet Union, Kaganowitz deported millions of Jews to the Goelags, at least 4.5 million survivors applied for pensions, more than 3 million survivors in 1945, probably twice this figure, no ash quantities or mass graves, etc., no forensic evidence for ‘gas-chambers, only counter-evidence, etc., etc. 
All this means – be it separately or cumulative – that Six Million Jews murdered is plainly IMPOSSIBLE. 

Because 'Six Million' is a religious mantra, because there is no evidence for it, and because of a multitude of hard facts, it is perfectly clear and without any doubt a Myth. As in the Western world social blackmail and legal prosecution against any form of criticism of this mythical number reigns, one may call this a very evil myth too. 

Each of these ten proofs shows the irrelevance of the 'Six Million' number. As we all know, there are opponents who never give up to refute and/or discredit the simplest truths about ‘the Holocaust’. For those, I presented not one, but ten proves of the same. Those who nevertheless think they can refute one or more of it with relevant facts, are more than welcome to do so. But, please remember, one is not enough, since each one of them alone makes ‘Six Million’ impossible. 

So it’s finally over with the 'Six Million' number; even Holocaustbelievers can no longer "deny" this fact. 

Oh yes, of course. There are still people who, faced with the overwhelming evidence against the indoctrinated number, saying: "And where did those six million Jews go?" 
A ludicrous comment, because it recognizes that no evidence for that number exists and that they are in no position to rebut the revisionist evidence or to give some factual basis for their ‘Six Million’ myth, meaning it’s completely bankrupt. 

Thereby, the answer why so many Jews were missing after the war is relatively simple. The actual number killed in the war/missing is much lower than 6 million. Objective calculations do not exceed 1.5 million. Again, as for all other groups in this war, many, many persons disappeared for different reasons.
One and a half million missed Jews, that's much, much too much indeed. Too much to be quadrupled without a reason and without proof. But 1.5 million Jews killed and missing is, apart from the infamous persecution of Jews, mainly caused by the same circumstances as exists for countless other groups. I limit myself here to give only two examples. The first concerns 602 medical tested men between 20 and 50 years from the little town Putten in the Netherlands, which 7 months before the end of the war were deported to labor camps in Germany. Only 44 (= 7%) of them came back seven months later! A similar low survival rate showed the approximately 100,000 German POW's at Stalingrad, hardened German soldiers, of which after a few years in Russian camps less than 6,000 (6%) returned. 
The extremely low survival rate of Jewish women, children, elderly, sick, etc. deported to camps in Poland (ca. 10%), becomes in this light much less surprising than at first glance.



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But first of all, forget ALL you learned at school, from the media, "witnesses", etc. about "the Holocaust". It's 100% one-sided, 100% hatred, 100% politics, 100% brainwashing, 99% story-telling and outright lies.



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Was there Really a Holocaust?
By Dr. E. R. Fields

The Holocaust has become the greatest instrument of sympathy which any nation has ever been able to use to gain support for wars, expansion and foreign-aid: This has made Israel the world's sixth strongest military power. The gravest threat to all this wealth and influence is the growing doubt over the question of whether or not a real holocaust of 6 million Jews actually took place.


Numbers of Victims Don't Add Up

The World Almanac for 1947 states that back in 1939 the world Jewish population was 15,688,259. The Almanac's figures were supplied by the American Jewish Committee. Next the Jewish-owned New York Times of February 22, 1948 stated the world Jewish population for that year amounted "to 15,600,000 to 18,700,000 in addition to the 600,000 to 700,000 living in Palestine." How could the Jewish population increase so rapidly over the war years if they had lost 6,000,000 people? (See Note 1). 

Following the rise of Hitler there were no more than 4 million Jews at most living in areas occupied by the Third Reich at the height of its power. Yet on June 30, 1965, the West German government announced that some 3,375,000 Jewish holocaust "survivors" had applied for reparations money. The International Red Cross had already reported in 1946 that of registered Jewish camp inmates no more than 300,000 could have died, and their audit to December 31, 1984 records a total 282,077 registered deaths of allinternees in all German Concentration Camps from all causes. 

It is interesting to note that in the Jews' real "bible", The Talmud, it is claimed that 800,000 Jews were slaughtered by the Romans in Hadrian's era. Yet there is no historical evidence to support this claim either. The Jewish-owned New York Times, in 1945 carried an article by the well known Jewish writer C.L. Sulzberger. It openly stated that Soviet Russia had supplied the figure of 4 million Jews having been put to death "in the gas chambers of Auschwitz." Thus it was the Judaeo-Communists and the Jews who initially originated these figures which today are accepted as "gospel truth". It is claimed that from 1934 to 1945 some 50,000 people died in the huge Bergen-Belsen camp. This count is considered exaggerated, still Time Magazine reports that of this figure 20,000 died of typhus during the single month of March, 1945! If nearly half died of this plague in just one month at the end of the war there is no way Bergen-Belsen could have been an "extermination camp". (See Note 2).

Himmler - "Reduce Deaths at all Costs"

Heinrich Himmler, chief of the Concentration Camps issued orders on December 28, 1942, that "The death rate in the concentration camps must be reduced at all costs" (Reitlinger, "The Final Solution"). The camps had been hit with a deadly typhus epidemic that spread by fleas and body lice. Stomach pain, high fever, emaciation and death can quickly follow. All of the camps were factories and the loss of workers was hurting war production. Inspector of the camps, Richard Glucks responded to Himmler's order on January 20, 1943, "Every means will be used to lower the death rates" (Nuremberg Tribunal Document No. 1523). 

On April 10, 1943, Oswald Pohl, head of the Economic Administration Office of the camps issued a letter stating that persons with tuberculosis were being sent to the camps resulting in the "shockingly high mortality figures" (Nuremberg Documents). Later, on September 30, 1943, Pohl was able to show that the camp death rate had been reduced from 8.5% in July, 1942 to 2.8% in June 1943. 

The German SS arrested Buchenwald Commandant, Karl Koch in 1943 for mistreating and even executing some prisoners. After an investigation Koch was found guilty by SS Judge Konrad Morgen and shot. Does this sound like a policy of "extermination?" 

After the War, with suspicion rapidly rising about the holocaust claim, a committee of Jewish leaders from New York and Paris met with communist leaders in Warsaw. There they established the "Committee for the Investigation of War Crimes and War Criminals". It was after this meeting that the announcement was made that all gas chambers were located in Poland.

The Problems of Mass Gassing

In 1945 it was announced that gas death chambers existed in all concentration camps in Poland, Germany, Austria and Alsace. Some 15 years later, in 1960, this was revised to the new claim that gas chambers existed only in camps located in Soviet held Poland. Simon Weisenthal of the Los Angeles Holocaust Center states in the paper, "Books and Bookmen", April 1975, page 5, "No gassing took place in any camp on German soil." The pressure had been growing since The Vatican, Red Cross, English Intelligence and German Intelligence chiefs Canaris and Oster (who collaborated with the British) either did not know or did not believe in rumors of gassings. 

This brings up the following questions: 

1). Germans are meticulous record keepers but there is not one order for the construction of any gas chamber, no blueprint, no photo of any gas chamber or gassed victims. 
2). There have been thousands of investigations of alleged Nazi war criminals, hundreds of trials, yet not one person was ever accused of being involved with actual gassings! No reliable witness on either side has ever come forward who saw a single person gassed—AND THERE ARE SUPPOSED TO HAVE BEEN OVER 10,000 MASS GASSINGS! 
3). Photos of bodies at Dachau and Belsen camps are of prisoners who died of typhus and malnutrition. Many Germans also died from typhus. 
4). The Vatican and Red Cross interviewed thousands of freed camp inmates at the end of the War about alleged gas chambers. The response was always the same, "The detainees themselves have not spoken of them" (Red Cross document No. 9925, June 1946).

Forced Confessions of Gassings

Rudolf Hoess was the commandant of Auschwitz from 1940 to 1943. When captured by the Soviets they extracted a confession to mass gassings using Zyclon-B gas. Such "confessions" are about as reliable as any forced by Stalin from victims tortured before taking the stand to confess during the Moscow show trials of 1936. The communists wrote the "Confession' and Hoess signed it. Later he was hanged. An assistant commandant refused to sign—he died in his cell. Hoess' statement read, "half an hour after having released the gas, they opened the door and started the ventilation machines. They began immediately to extract the bodies while eating and smoking." 

Was Hoess trying to get a message across that there were no gassing? Zyklon-B is not "ventable". The manufacturers state Zyklon-B adheres to surface clothing and skin. They say that only after a 24 hour period, wearing a gas mask with the strongest filter, could any bodies be removed without killing such workers. 

If we believe the Hoess confession that the workers ran into the gas chamber "eating and smoking"—without gas masks—only minutes after the gassing—ALL WOULD HAVE DIED!

Gas Stories not Possible

The Jew Mosche Pearlmann in his book, "The Capture and Trial of Adolph Eichmann" states on pages 375 and 385 that Zyclon-B crystals were introduced from the ceilings of the gas chambers and "became immediately gaseous." The American Cyanamid Co. of Linden N.J. states: "We know of no chemical process whereby HCN (Zyklon-B) may be made to become instantly gaseous upon exposure to air." (See Note 3).

Claims of William Shirer

Shirer claims the gas was released from overhead through fake shower outlets, (page 970) and quickly killed its victims. The truth is that Zyklon-B gas is lighter than air and would rise to the ceiling so that anyone throwing themselves to the floor would be saved. Shirer also quotes the Soviet written confession signed by Hoess as stating (page 968), "We knew when the people were dead because their screaming stopped." If anyone were actually killed with a cyanide type gas they would die instantly thus there would be no screaming at all. The truth is that Zyklon-B was used to delouse inmates' clothing of lice and fleas which carry typhus.

The Problem of the Crematoriums

At the Auschwitz I camp there were only 6 crematory ovens. At the hospital in Auschwitz II there are 46 single cremators. In the Lubin camp there were only 6. THAT'S ALL! In these three camps 3 to 4 million Jews were supposed to have been exterminated and their bodies cremated. Furthermore, these cremation ovens were very small with only 18' doors and required from 4 to 6 hours to burn each body using a large amount of coal. Cremation was used in the camps for those who passed away in order to prevent epidemics. No large supplies of coal were ever stored at the camps for cremations. A VERY INTERESTING NOTE appears only in the German edition of William L. Shirer's book, "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich." It seems the Didler-Werke Company, which built the crematory ovens, sued Shirer who previously wrote that millions of people were gassed and then burned in this company's ovens. In an out-of-court settlement of the suit Shirer agreed to add the following footnote on page 972 of the German edition: "The Didler-Werke have raised objection to the name of their firm appearing in the chapter concerning the extermination camps. Dr. S. Trastel, a professor of engineering in a statement of August 1961 established that the measurements are those which are standard for a crematory oven of not very modern design intended for small cemeteries and would be unsuitable for mass burning." WHY IS THIS DELETED FROM THE ENGLISH EDITION??? 

On the question of cremating 6,000,000 people—this would leave 15,000 tons of ashes! Such gigantic piles of ashes created over the short 2 1/2 year period the holocaust supposedly took place would have been very difficult to dispose of. No one has ever come forward to report seeing such huge piles of tons of ashes. It was not until 1960 that the Soviets opened the Auschwitz camp to tourists and independent investigators. No gas chamber could be found. The official answer was that it was "taken to another camp for gassings and then later went into oblivion!" (See Zimunism).

What Experts say about the Holocaust

Dr. Harry Elmer Barnes, eminent historian, author of 40 books, many of which are standard college texts, noted in Rampart Journal, 1967. "It has been demonstrated that there had been no systematic extermination in those camps." Thies Christopherden, a German soldier and author wrote: "I was at Auschwitz! There was no gas chamber there." Paul Rassiner, historian and anti-Nazi activist, who served a prison sentence in Buchenwald and the Dora camps stated in 1962. "The claim that a holocaust took place is an historic lie—the most tragic and most macabre imposture of all time." Prof. Robert Faurisson, a specialist in Document Analysis at the University of Lyon. France, stated on April 25, 1979. "The holocaust lie, which is largely of Zionist origin, has made an enormous political and financial fraud possible, whose principal beneficiary is the state of Israel."

Why the Holocaust Campaign

Hardly a week goes by when there are not stories in the press, on TV-News or movies about the alleged holocaust. What is the long range design for this constant attempt to fill Germans and indeed all Christians with a feeling of guilt over a holocaust which never occurred? 

Bernard Postal wrote in the Jewish Week, July 14, 1979, "Not until after the holocaust, did anti-Semitism become taboo. There was a time when anti-Semitic speeches were an open factor in national campaigns. The holocaust put a taboo on overt anti-Semitism among upper-level statesmen and publicists."

S.E.D. Brown of South Africa, a noted journalist writes, "The holocaust instills a guilt complex in those said to be guilty and spreads the demoralization, degeneration, and eventually the destruction of the natural racial elite among a people. This transfers effective political control to the lowest elements who will cowtow to the Jews." 

Zionist spokesmen often boast of: "The shattering effect of the holocaust on the Christian conscience resulting in a feeling of collective indebtedness to the Jews." 

Massive unending U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel in made possible because anyone who dares to oppose these outrageous giveaways is condemned as being "anti-Semitic" and "insensitive" to holocaust victims. The Jews hold an unnatural violent hatred for the German people. Jews seek to turn all other peoples of the world against the Germans and keep that nation divided for all time to come. That is why no peace treaty has been signed as yet with Germany and why they still live under Allied military occupation laws.

A Question of Fund-raising

The Wall Street Journal quotes a Jewish professional fund-raising consultant firm of Milton Goldin Co., as saying the main theme of Jewish fund-raising is the holocaust and has been for 38 years. When they don't use the holocaust the money collection sharply drops off. Thus the more the Press, TV and Hollywood promotes the holocaust the more money the United Jewish Appeal and other Zionist funds can extract from gullible people (Note 4).

Holocaust Silences Opposition

Jewish leaders have discovered that by repeating holocaust stories over and over again they can instill a guilt complex within all Gentiles. This effectively silences most critics of Zionist political goals.

What about Real Holocausts?

Why doesn't the Jew-controlled press, TV and film industry give massive media attention to real victims and to proven holocausts of Gentiles in recent history.

The Soviet-Bolshevik Holocaust of Christians:

Russian Kulak Farmers (1928-1930)—15 million exterminated. Ukranian Farmers (1930-1933)—7 Million exterminated. Russian Political Prisoners (1919-1949)—12 million exterminated. Total peoples murdered by Lenin and Stalin—34 million. But there were more: several hundred thousand Russians—a staggering number—took up arms against the Soviet Union in the years following the German invasion in June 1941. They were betrayed by the Allies at Yalta and murdered by the Judaeo-Communist Soviet. When Western archives were at last available to historians, two remarkable books quickly appeared: The Last Secret, 1974, by Nicholas Bethel, and Victims of Yalta, 1977, by Nikolai Tolstoy, both shocking in their detailed accounts of what had happened. Cambodian extermination 1975—2.5 million. Armenian extermination by the Turks, 1915—1.5 million. 

Eisenhower's Death Camps

Scanned images of the text of the cover story published in the September 1989 issue of Saturday Night describes Eisenhower's barbarism. Here is the video 

Behind the scenes the same group, always working under a different name and in a different occupation has managed every one of these real genocides as well as recent and ongoing holocausts in Palestine, Iraq and elsewhere. Photo illustrates Other Losses by James Bacque, & The Avengers by Michael Bar-Zohar, (1967). Hawthorn Books, inc, New York. 

Bacque tells the truth about how Eisenhower murdered thousands of German prisoners of war AFTER the surrender. Many of those starving soldiers and piles of dead bodies you have seen in atrocity photos were NOT Jews, they were Germans. 

Don't argue with me, read the book. General George Patton wrote in 1945 that Eisenhower was using "practically Gestapo methods" in torturing and killing German POWs. 

In August 1944 Dwight D. Eisenhower (who in the early 1960s ordered the assassination of Patrice Lamumba) and Henry C. Morgenthau came up with the Morgenthau Plan to inflict collective punishment upon the German people following the end of the Second World War. This was, basically, a plan to starve millions of Germans, mostly citizens, to death. Although the plan was officially cancelled, it was in fact implemented. Between 1945 and 1953 it is estimated between 9 to 15 million ethnic Germans were killed, mainly civilians. 

(Also read, An Eye for an Eye: The Untold Story of Jewish Revenge Against Germans in 1945 by John Sack, and statistical and documentary evidence presented in, Did Six Million Really Die? by Richard Verrall). 

(Based on an Article from: "THE TRUTH AT LAST" Journal. P.O. Box 1211, Marietta, Georgia 30061., USA).

The Evening Independent, April, 24, 1945

In this news item published in The Evening Independent of St. Petersburg in Florida (which has a large Jewish population), the Allies boast of MURDERING 1,000,000 German POWs in 21 days. 

Eisenhower's Death campsThe untold story of Eisenhower's Rhine Meadows Death Camps—A deliberate policy of extermination of the surrendered German forces by the Allies in post war Germany (Rheinwiesenlager). Full documentary, plus additional background information, and a memorial for the victims. This German language film has been translated into English, re-edited, narrated, and published by Justice for Germans

Part 1 The 'Rheinwiesenlager' German language documentary translated into English, with additional information and interviews (50 minutes). 

Part 2 Deanna Spingola reads a chapter from her book dealing with the subject of these camps and provides additional background information regarding the perpetrators and their policies (30 minutes). 

Part 3 A Memorial March for the victims of these camps held in Remagen, Germany in 2011, also translated and narrated in English (10 minutes). The theme song in the opening segment is "Recurrence" by J. Belenger and included with his permission Full 




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Note 1In his eulogy to Antony Sutton, Alan Stang wrote, "His volumes will explain why the West built the Soviets and Hitler; why we go to war, to lose; why Wall Street loves Marxists and Nazis; why the kids can't read; why the churches have become propaganda founts; why historical facts are suppressed, why politicians lie and a hundred other whys". 

After 60 Years and Many More Billions!

To: The Simon Wiesenthal Center Library & Archive
Sent: 05/11/04 09:11AM
Subject: List of names?

Dear Simon Wiesenthal Center,

I was looking for the online database of the 6 million names of people who died at the Nazi death camps. I figured that there has to be such a site in today's information age and with the careful documenting of such things. I was wondering if you could give me this link? 


From: "Library Mailbox" <>
Date: 2004/05/11 Tue PM 08:06:02 GMT
Subject: Re: List of names?

Thank you for your email inquiry. As of this writing, there is no database of 6 million names. Yad Vashem is planning to release approximately one million names on a database sometime this year and has plans to include several million more in the future. Please go to: for details.

Very truly yours,
The Simon Wiesenthal Center Library & Archives

David Cohen " Now Trying To Profit From Hate" (Australian Jewry Against Jewish Fascism, 12-21-00).

As Jews, we apologize to you. Let me assure you that the Simon Wiesenthal organization does not represent any Jews we know of.

In recent years the worldwide Jewish community has been infested with extreme fascist organizations like the Simon Wiesenthal Center, the ADL, and others who pretend to represent World Jewry. In reality, they are front organizations working to limit our free speech and civil rights. 

Their problematic websites are a source of shame to all of us Jews. These US-based groups are using the ideas of religious extremists to cause mayhem and anarchy by manipulating the Internet and the news media in general. These organizations are using the same strategy that the Nazis used, trying to intimidate us into not exercising our freedom of free speech. Anyone who disagrees with these extreme fascist Jewish organizations is labelled 'anti-Semite', 'racist', 'anti-American', a 'Jew hater' or if he/she is a Jew: a 'self-hating Jew'. 

We Australians are very surprised that you allow these fascist Jewish organizations to operate in the USA. By glancing at their "hate-sites", you can see that they are labelling every proud patriotic American as a criminal! The citizens of all nations should be proud of their country and there is nothing wrong with being patriotic as long as we remember that all humans and nations are equal and all are a part of the living world, dependent on the survival of our life supporting ecosystems.

Jews in Australia remember Crystal Night very well, when the Nazis burnt all of our Jewish holy books in Germany. Now the Simon Wiesenthal Center is "burning websites" by selling them on CD. . . In addition, recently, the Simon Wiesenthal Center had the audacity to take this list off their website and instead SELL IT on CD!

The Simon Wiesenthal Center now has become a merchant of hatred. I can now see the entire world pointing a finger at us Jews for making money by selling hatred. The main goal of these fascist Jewish organizations is to attract hatred towards us Jews.

They are a great liability to all Jews. We do not know who is financing them and we want nothing to do with them. 

Here in Australia, hardly a week goes by without these organizations placing a Rabbi on the news to tell us that we all support Israel's activities. Nothing is further from the truth! Israel has become a great liability for Jews worldwide as a result of the recent massacres by the Israeli army of Palestinian women and children. This has resulted in hundreds of attacks on Jewish institutions worldwide this year. Humanity is a global community and the actions of citizens in each country have a direct repercussion on the rest of the human community.

It is not a secret that we Jews practically control the world distribution and production of films. This has manifested itself by forcing the world to watch films about the Nazi concentration camps almost every week of the year for the last half a century.

It is vital that humanity learns the errors of the past and the Holocaust has to be remembered. However, because we are a global community, we have to remember that there have been many Holocausts for many different people. We cannot look at one event in isolation. We must look at them ALL. Humanity has a world view. All these are magnified a thousand times when we are aware that General Ariel Sharon who was named as responsible to the Massacres of Sabra & Shatila in Lebanon, by an Israeli Government Commission, is now proposed to be the next Prime Minister of Israel. (In Sabra & Shatila refugees camps in Lebanon, many thousands of women & children were assassinated, their bodies pushed to heaps by unmarked Israeli army bulldozers).

Today, the world's view of Israel's activities is one of a powerful state attacking a minority people and that makes us look like a modern manifestation of the Nazis. Competition with and fighting against our neighbours has always been a part of the human struggle for survival. Any population of humans can make the grave error of aggression towards their neighbour and only human community values can put an end to such behaviour.

Jewish hatred of Palestinians is as evil as the Nazi hatred of Jews or Palestinian hatred of Jews. It is all hatred and this evil threatens all people and resolves nothing. This is the reason why so many Jews here in Australia have suggested moving ALL Israelis to a remote part of Australia. We need the expertise of the Israelis, who are world leaders and experts in many fields and this needs to be recognized around the world. It is now up to Jews and Israelis world wide to demand that the nation of Israel treat the Palestinians as the brothers that they really are. Christian and Muslim Arabs world wide must also demand that Jews be treated as brothers, not enemies. 

Jews, Christians and Moslems are all brothers because we are all People of the Bible. All families fight but only those that make up and resolve their differences will survive and prosper.


David Cohen
Australian Jewry Against Jewish Fascism

One Jew to Another
Open Letter To: Mr Simon Wiesenthal
Subject: Nazis Chasing Sixty Years After The War
From: R. D. Polacco de Menasce France 6-27-4

My Dear Sir,

I do think that no Jew will ever dare to tell you the truth. 

I am probably the only Jew left who can tell it to you.

I have learnt that you are still chasing very old persons who had responsibilities in the Nazi regime. Sixty years after! People who are eighty-five years old! How shameful!

Do you know one ethnicity who did such a thing in the course of the History of Mankind? You are the very symbol of Talmudic hysterical neverending hatred.

This is the more egregious as the Nazi regime gave work, sane economy and balance to a whole country, whereas today, everything (when I mention everything, I mean absolutely all) is both Jewish and entirely rotten. 

Jewish Capitalism has collapsed the world into all forms of pollutions. Jewish Marxism has slaughtered 200,000,000 people.

To crown it all, everybody knows that there were not 6,000,000 Jews (a country the size of Switzerland) in occupied Europe in 1941 (The American Jewish Year book,mentions 3,300,000 Jews and from that date (1941) on, we all fled to the Free Zone or to Spain towards England). And it is only one million Jews whom Hitler wanted to exchange for trucks at the period of the so-called Shoah. Besides we know that Zyklon B cannot gas 1000 or 2000 people at one time (see M.Roubeix, chief executive of the factory of Saint Avold producing cyanide acid) in gas chambers which have strictly never found norms. 

I suppose you would rather have a Jewish USA government enshrined in Jewish finance, pinching petrol in Iraq, spreading Jewish one-worldism, Jewish pornography, 13 Jewish press, Jewish puppets in all governments, than the cleanness of the Nazi regime which made a miracle out of the Jewish rot of the Versailles treaty—the negotiators of which were the Warburg brothers, and that of the Weimar Republic. 

You are 95 years of age: if you are not insane what will you tell the Lord when you soon appear if front of Him?

I do wonder.

Entirely disgusted,
R. D. Polacco de Menasce
(Docteur de l'universite de Paris. These de morpho-psycho-endocrinologie—Ret.) 

Note: The fraudulent Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal was given an honorary knighthood. Under oath and in books he has contradicted himself and spread vile falsehoods about alleged German atrocities. However he at times told the truth, as in 1975 and again in 1993 when he publicly acknowledged "there were no extermination camps on German soil" (S. Wiesenthal, Sails of Hope), thereby conceding the claims made at the Nuremberg Tribunal and elsewhere that Buchenwald, Dachau and other camps in Germany proper were "extermination camps" are untrue (

Note 2The Diminishing Numbers of Alleged Dead in Auschwitz.
According to the holocaust legend, Jewish prisoners who arrived at Auschwitz between the spring of 1942 and the fall of 1944, and who were not able to work, were immediately put to death and that no records were kept of such deaths (even though all other deaths where recorded in detail). . . 

9,000,000 Source: Cited by the French documentary, Night and Fog, which has been shown to millions of school students worldwide. 

8,000,000 Source: The French War Crime Research Office, Doc. 31, 1945. 

7,000,000 Source: Also cited by the French War Crime Research Office. 

6,000,000 Source: Cited in the book Auschwitz Doctor by Miklos Nyiszli. It has since been proven that this book is a fraud and the "doctor" was never even at Auschwitz, even though the book is often cited by historians. 

5,000,000 to 5,500,000 Source: Cited in 1945 at the trial of Auschwitz commander Rudolf Höss, based on his confession which was written in English, a language he never spoke. 

5,000,000 Source: Cited on April 20, 1978 by the French daily, Le Monde. Also cited on January 23, 1995 by the German daily Die Welt. By September 1, 1989, Le Mondereduced the figure to 1,433,000. 

4,500,000 Source: In 1945 this figure was cited by another witness at the aforementioned Höss trial. 

4,000,000 Source: Cited by a Soviet document of May 6, 1945 and officially acknowledged by the Nuremberg War Crimes trial. This figure was also reported in The New York Times on April 18, 1945, although 50 years later on January 26, 1995, The New York Times and The Washington Post slashed the figure to 1,500,000 citing new findings by the Auschwitz Museum officials. In fact, the figure of 4,000,000 was later repudiated by the Auschwitz museum officials in 1990 but the figure of 1,500,000 victims was not formally announced by Polish President Lech Walesa until five years after the Auschwitz historians had first announced their discovery. 

3,500,000 Source: Cited in the 1991 edition of the Dictionary of the French Language and by Claude Lanzmann in 1980 in his introduction to Filip Muller's book, Three Years in an Auschwitz Gas Chamber. 

3,000,000 Source: Cited in a forced confession by Rudolf Höss, the Auschwitz commander who said this was the number of those who had died at Auschwitz prior to Dec. 1, 1943. Later cited in the June 7, 1993 issue of Heritage, the most widely read Jewish newspaper in California, even though three years previously the authorities at the Auschwitz museum had scaled down the figure to a minimum of 1,100,000 and a maximum of 1,500,000. 

2,500,000 Source: Cited by Rudolf Vrba (an author of various fraudulent accounts of events he claims to have witnessed at Auschwitz) when he testified on July 16, 1981 for the Israeli government's war crimes trial of former SS official Adolf Eichmann. 

2,000,000 Source: Cited by Leon Poliakov (1951) writing in Harvest of Hate; Georges Wellers, writing in 1973 in The Yellow Star at the Time of Vichy; and Lucy Dawidowicz, writing in 1975 in The War Against the Jews

2,000,000 to 4,000,000 Source: Cited by Yehuda Bauer in 1982 in his book, A History of the Holocaust. However, by 1989 Bauer revised his figure to 1,600,000. 

1,600,000 Source: This is a 1989 revision by Yehuda Bauer of his earlier figure in 1982 of 2,000,000 to 4,000,000. Bauer cited this new figure on September 22, 1989 in The Jerusalem Post, at which time he wrote "The larger figures have been dismissed for years, except that it hasn't reached the public yet." 

1,500,000 Source: In 1995 this was the number of Auschwitz deaths announced by Polish President Lech Walesa as determined by those at the Auschwitz museum. This number was inscribed on the monument at the Auschwitz camp at that time, thereby "replacing" the earlier 4,000,000 figure that had been formally repudiated (and withdrawn from the monument) five years earlier in 1990. At that time, on July 17, 1990 The Washington Times reprinted a brief article from The London Daily Telegraphciting the "new" figure of 1,500,000 that had been determined by the authorities at the Auschwitz museum. This new figure was reported two years later in a UPI report published in the New York Post on March 26, 1992. On January 26, 1995 both The Washington Post and The New York Times cited this 1,500,000 figure as the new "official" figure (citing the Auschwitz Museum authorities).

1,471,595 Source: This is a 1983 figure cited by Georges Wellers who (as noted previously) had determined, writing in 1973, that some 2,000,000 had died. 

1,433,000 Source: This figure was cited on September 1, 1989 by the French daily, Le Monde, which earlier, on April 20, 1978, had cited the figure at 4,000,000. 

1,250,000 Source: In the book, The Destruction of the European Jews, by Raul Hilberg (1985). 

1,100,000 to 1,500,000 Source: Sources for this estimate are Yisrael Gutman and Michael Berenbaum in their 1984 book, Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp. This estimate was later also cited by Walter Reich, former director of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, writing in The Washington Post on September 8, 1998. The upper figure of 1,500,000 is (the new) "official" figure as now inscribed at Auschwitz, with the earlier figure of 4,000,000 inscribed on a plaque displayed from 1948 to 1989 having been removed from the memorial at the site of the former concentration camp. 

Despite a casual reduction in the number of deaths by 2.5 million the number of Jewish victims who perished in the holocaust of World War II remains unchanged at 6,000,000.

1,000,000 Source: Jean-Claude Pressac, writing in his 1989 book Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers. This is interesting since he wrote his book to repudiate so-called "Holocaust deniers" who were called that precisely because they had questioned the numbers of those who had died at Auschwitz. 

900,000 Source: Reported on August 3, 1990 11, by Aufbau, a Jewish newspaper in New York. 

800,000 to 900,000 Source: Reported by Gerald Reitlinger in his book, The Final Solution

775,000 to 800,000 Source: Jean-Claude Pressac's revised figure, put forth in his 1993 book, The Crematoria of Auschwitz: The Mass Murder's Machinery, scaling down his earlier claim of 1,000,000 dead. 

630,000 to 710,000 Source: In 1994 Pressac scaled his figure down somewhat further; this is the figure cited in the German language translation of Pressac's 1993 book originally published in French. Again, this is substantially less than Pressac's 1989 figure of 1,000,000. 

135,000 to 140,000 Source: This is an estimate based on documents held by the International Tracing Service of the Red Cross. It is known that International Tracing Service has a complete set of registration documents. This is thought to include a complete set of roll-call data which includes twice daily tallies of those who died. Although the International Tracing Service of the Red Cross has such records, they have never officially published an accurate count of those who died, or even an accurate report as to exactly which documents they hold. However, totals from these records have been obtained by various interested parties. 

The estimate of 135,000 is roughly corroborated by the "Auschwitz death books." The death books themselves are wartime German camp records, which were captured by the Soviets towards the end of the war, and hidden in Soviet achieves, until released to the Red Cross in 1989. 

The death books consist of 46 volumes which document each death at Auschwitz (each death certificate consists of the deceased person's full name, profession and religion, date and place of birth, pre- Auschwitz residence, parents' names, time of death, and cause of death as determined by a camp physician). The records for the most important years, 1942 and 1943, are almost complete (there are also a few volumes for the year 1941, but none for the year 1944 or January 1945 (when Auschwitz was evacuated). 

The Auschwitz death books contain the death certificates of some 69,000 individuals, of whom about 30,000 were listed as Jews. 

Using all available wartime records from the various camps it has been estimated that between 400,000 and 500,000 people died in the German concentration camp system (from all causes). 

Some entries from the Auschwitz death books 

According to the holocaust legend, Jewish prisoners who arrived at Auschwitz between the spring of 1942 and the fall of 1944, and who were not able to work, were immediately put to death and that no records were kept of such deaths (even though all other deaths where recorded in detail).

German journalist and researcher Wolfgang Kempkens, obtained copies of some 800 of the death certificates from sources in Poland and Russia. Reproductions of thirty of these certificates appeared in the article "Pages from the Auschwitz Death Registry Volumes" by Mark Weber, Journal of Historical Review vol 12 p 265.

We provide the following selection from the 30, to show that the old and weak appear among the death certificates of the Auschwitz death books, proving that the claim that"all who were not able to work, were immediately put to death" is false. 

Josef Hoffmann, a Jewish butcher, was 89 years old when he died of "old age" on June 22, 1942.

Abraham Stieber, a Jewish salesman from Slovakia, was 79 years old when he died on July 2, 1942, of "old age."

Chaim Richter, a Jewish salesman, was 81 years old when he died in Aschwitz on March 1, 1942, of "weakness of old age."

Josephine Kohn, a Jewish inmate born in Hungary who had been living in Leipzig, was 69 years old when she died on February 10, 1943. Auschwitz camp physician Dr. Kitt reported "weakness of old age" as the cause of death. 

Emil Kaufmann, a Jewish attorney deported from Germany, was 78 years old when he died of "old age" on February 15, 1943. "Weakness of old age" is given as the cause of death.

Julius Sonnenberg, a salesman from Germany, was 65 years old when he died on February 27, 1943, of "angina pectoris." His religion is cited as "non-believing, formerly Jewish."

Abraham Blok, a Jewish butcher from the Netherlands, was 70 years old when he died of "old age" on March 6, 1943. 

Jettchen Fuld, a Jewish inmate, was 67 years old when she died on October 10, 1942. Old age and physical weakness is given as the cause of death.

Salomon Serlui, a Jewish laborer from the Netherlands, was 67 years old when he died in Auschwitz on October 16, 1942. Camp physician Dr. Kremer reported a stomach ulcer as the cause of death.

Renö Hirschfeld, a Jewish tailor born in Berlin in 1878, was 64 years old when he died on November 2, 1942. Camp physician Dr. Kitt reported "weakness of old age" as the cause of death. 

Armin Horn, a Jewish salesman deported to the camp from Slovakia, died on August 19, 1942, at the age of 70. Camp physician Dr. Thilo recorded the cause of death as "accumulation of fluid in the intestine and weakness of old age."

This Auschwitz camp death certificate reports that prisoner Josef Buck, a Jewish teacher from Kattowitz, was 65 years old when he died on August 1, 1941. "Weakness of old age" is given as the cause of death. 

Josek Nisenkorn, a Jewish laborer, was 71 years old when he died in Auschwitz on August 11, 1941. "Weakness of old age" is given as the cause of death by camp physician Dr. Siegfried Schwela, who himself later died of typhus.

Samuel Mandel, a Jewish tailor, was 74 years old when he died in Auschwitz on March 26, 1942. Physician Dr. Entress reported the cause of death as "influenza with heart failure." 

Ernestine Hochfelder, a Jewish inmate who had been deported to the camp from Slovakia, was 70 years old when she died in Auschwitz on June 4, 1942. "Physical weakness and old age" is cited as the cause of death.

David Reichman, a Jewish farmer, was 70 years old when he died on July 22, 1942, of "old age."

This selection has been chosen to illustrate that the old and weak where not "immediately gassed" as is often claimed, and to point out that according to the death records, many died of old age.

More from the Auschwitz Death Books

According to the holocaust legend, Jewish prisoners who arrived at Auschwitz between the spring of 1942 and the fall of 1944, and who were not able to work, were immediately put to death and that no records were kept of such deaths (even though all other deaths where recorded in detail). 

By entering Josef Hoffmann's name into the Auschwitz museum data base, one finds:

Hoffmann, Josef
(1852-08-12 ÷ 1942-06-22)
Birthplace: Vrutky, Place of Residence: Vrutky, Denomination: mosaisch which agrees with the facts stated above, namely:
Josef Hoffmann, a Jewish butcher, was 89 years old when he died of "old age" on June 22, 1942. Why was this 89 year old butcher not "immediately gassed by the Nazis on reaching Auschwitz?" Why did the Nazis choose him as a "camp worker" and thus record his name in the death books when he died? 

What do you suppose this 89 year old butcher was doing for the Nazis? Making sausages perhaps? Or making lamp-shades from Jews? 

Inquiring minds wish to know. Check it out with the Auschwitz museum database:

Death Books

About the "Death Books"   |   How to Search   |    FAQ
Last name:
First name:
Place of Residence:

And what of these two 90 year old ladies:
Königstein, Anna Sara
(1852-12-30 ÷ 1943-12-27)
Birthplace: Poleschowitz, Place of Residence: Theresienstadt, Denomination: mosaisch 

Ružička, Marie
(1852-12-10 ÷ 1943-05-12)
Birthplace: Klattau, Place of Residence: Gross Dobray, Denomination: katholisch 

Why do you suppose these two old ladies were "chosen for work" by the Nazis? To make tea, perhaps?

Check it out with the Auschwitz museum database:

Death Books

About the "Death Books"   |   How to Search   |    FAQ
Last name:
First name:
Place of Residence:

Or what of these 4 year olds? 

Weiβ, Waldtraud
(1939-03-13 ÷ 1943-03-25)
Birthplace: Oldenburg, Place of Residence: Oldenburg, Denomination: katholisch 

Stein, Gisela
(1939-03-02 ÷ 1943-04-11)
Birthplace: Stolzenau, Place of Residence: Bremen, Denomination: evangelisch 

Pfeiffer, Frieda
(1939-06-05 ÷ 1943-06-16)
Birthplace: Kitzladen, Place of Residence: Markt Alhau, Denomination: katholisch

What "labor: do you suppose they preformed for the Nazis? 

And what of this 122 year old lady !?!?!?

Kohn, Elisabeth
(1819-12-08 ÷ 1942-08-15)
Birthplace: Trencin, Place of Residence: Trencin, Denomination: mosaisch

Why do you suppose she was "chosen for work" by the Nazis? To make coffee, perhaps?

Like all ladies, she probably lied about her age. 

Check it out with the Auschwitz museum database: 

Death Books

About the "Death Books"   |   How to Search   |    FAQ
Last name:
First name:
Place of Residence:

Below is a break-down of the death certificates from Auschwitz by age. 

 Age Group  Number  Percentage 

There were 10,681 deaths among those over the age of 50, and 3,225 among those below the age of 15. These 10,681 + 3,225 = 13,906 deaths imply a camp population of some 100,000 to 150,000 prisoners, either, over the age of 50 or below the age of 15. Few of these 100,000 to 150,000 prisoners could be considered "fit for work" and according to the holocaust myth, should have been immediately gassed. The existence of death certificates for those (among this huge group) that died, by itself, proves that the Auschwitz holocaust story is indeed a myth. Taken together with all the other evidence, it is clear that the holocaust myth is another deliberate deception force fed to the public for the last 60 years.

The following is a list of those persons over the age of 80 whose names occur in the "Auschwitz death books". 

122 Kohn, Elisabeth (1819-12-08 1942-08-15) Birthplace: Trencin, Residence: Trencin, Religion: Jew

90 Königstein, Anna Sara (1852-12-30 1943-12-27) Birthplace: Poleschowitz, Residence: Theresienstadt, Religion: Jew

90 Ruzicka, Marie (1852-12-10 1943-05-12) Birthplace: Klattau, Residence: Gross Dobray, Religion: Catholic

89 Hoffmann, Josef (1852-08-12 1942-06-22) Birthplace: Vrutky, Residence: Vrutky, Religion: Jew
88 Strauss, Arnold (1853-12-29 1942-06-22) Birthplace: Bobrow, Residence: Banska Bystrica, Religion: Jew

88 Herzberg, Johann (1854-12-25 1943-04-07) Birthplace: Wöllnitz, Residence: Gotenhafen, Religion: Catholic

87 Zagolkin, Nikifor (1856-00-00 1943-12-05) Birthplace: Styriki, Residence: Styriki, Religion: Greek Orthodox

87 Horvath, Anna (1856-03-07 1943-05-10) Birthplace: Schreibersdorf, Residence: Althodis, Religion: Catholic

86 Kannengießer, Leopold (1855-08-10 1942-07-14) Birthplace: Neu Sandez, Residence: Presov, Religion: Jew
86 Strukow, Praskowja (1857-00-00 1943-11-09) Birthplace: Wierieczi, Residence: Kalzy, Religion: Greek Orthodox

86 Strojny, Jozefa (1857-02-23 1943-11-08) Birthplace: Sulejow, Residence: Litzmannstadt, Religion: Catholic
86 Kreutz, Elisabeth (1857-04-03 1943-07-31) Birthplace: Römershausen, Residence: Dortmund, Religion: Protestant

85 Zegolkin, Domna (1858-00-00 1943-12-23) Birthplace: Malchaty, Residence: Lopatki, Religion: Greek Orthodox

85 Laski, Apolonia (1858-00-00 1943-12-21) Birthplace: Dubowik, Residence: Sawin Dub, Religion: Greek Orthodox

85 Karpowicz, Wasilij (1858-00-00 1943-11-09) Birthplace: Borisow, Residence: Borisow, Religion: Greek Orthodox

85 Berousek, Cecilie (1857-10-04 1943-03-31) Birthplace: Frauenberg (Budweis), Residence: Bistrowan, Religion: Catholic

85 Weiß, Eva (1858-01-04 1943-05-04) Birthplace: Gehaus, Residence: Unterrückersbach, Religion: Catholic

85 Petermann, Maria (1858-02-01 1943-05-26) Birthplace: Sennheim, Residence: Berlin NO 55, Religion: Catholic

84 Grysimienko, Achriem (1859-00-00 1943-12-09) Birthplace: Lipinki, Residence: ---, Religion: Unknown

84 Wesolowski, Malgorzata (1859-00-00 1943-11-18) Birthplace: Witonia, Residence: Litzmannstadt, Religion: Catholic

84 Jonasz, Moric (1858-06-17 1942-06-23) Birthplace: Lest, Residence: Banska Bystrica, Religion: Jew

83 Spindler, Blondina Josefa (1859-07-22 1943-06-22) Birthplace: Gnotzheim, Residence: Filzingen, Religion: Catholic

83 Baranow, Anastasija (1860-00-00 1943-11-01) Birthplace: Dworiszcza, Residence: Jakowlewo, Religion: Greek Orthodox

83 Schkomarovsky, Ester Sara (1860-03-00 1943-12-30) Birthplace: Kyjov, Residence: Theresienstadt, Religion: Jew

83 Bardaczow, Nikita (1860-05-00 1943-10-08) Birthplace: Plaszkowo, Residence: Plaszkowo, Religion: Greek Orthodox

83 Weiss, Moritz (1859-03-07 1942-07-14) Birthplace: Ilwes, Residence: Presov, Religion: Jew

83 Prager, Reinhold (1860-02-02 1943-04-12) Birthplace: Sankt Sanglow, Residence: München-Bernsdorf, Religion: Protestant

83 Schneck, Kreszentia (1860-02-10 1943-04-16) Birthplace: Rohrdorf, Residence: Ravensburg-Ummenwinkel, Religion: Catholic

83 Frank, Max (1859-05-10 1942-06-25) Birthplace: Velké-Surovce, Residence: Piestany, Religion: Jew

83 Heiman, Ernestine (1859-04-08 1942-04-22) Birthplace: Banovce nad Bebravou, Residence: Trencin, Religion: Jew

83 Rostalski, Jadwiga (1860-10-25 1943-11-01) Birthplace: Falkenhof, Residence: Litzmannstadt, Religion: Catholic

82 Friedrich, Theodor (1860-10-04 1943-06-03) Birthplace: Groß-Küdde, Residence: Berlin N 54, Religion: Catholic

82 Horvath, Ignaz (1860-09-27 1943-05-06) Birthplace: Zahling, Residence: Zahling, Religion: Catholic

82 Buriansky, Marie (1860-11-11 1943-03-16) Birthplace: Brockesdorf, Residence: Stadt-Liebau, Religion: Catholic

82 Knopf, Agnes Sara (1861-11-28 1943-12-30) Birthplace: Geburtsort nicht bekannt, Residence: Theresienstadt, Religion: Unknown

82 Rosenberg, Elisabeth (1861-04-21 1943-05-10) Birthplace: Klein-Wanzleben, Residence: Berlin-Marzahn, Religion: Catholic

81 Welkewitz, Chana Sara (1862-01-20 1943-12-30) Birthplace: Geburtsort nicht bekannt, Residence: Theresienstadt, Religion: Unknown

81 Sommer, Luzie Sara (1862-04-03 1943-12-30) Birthplace: Raudnitz an der Elbe, Residence: Theresienstadt, Religion: Jew

81 Vohryzek, Leopold (1862-03-30 1943-12-22) Birthplace: Hermannstädtl bei Chrudim, Residence: Theresienstadt, Religion: Jew

81 Richter, Chaim (1860-08-18 1942-03-01) Birthplace: Krenau, Residence: Krenau, Religion: Jew

81 Herrmann, Katharina (1862-03-28 1943-10-08) Birthplace: Eisenau, Residence: Sielanki, Religion: Catholic

81 Holomek, Johann (1861-09-26 1943-03-31) Birthplace: Napajedl, Residence: Napajedl, Zigeunerlager, Religion: Catholic

81 Bello, Martin (1862-03-25 1943-07-21) Birthplace: Niederfinow bei Berlin, Residence: Halle an der Saale, Religion: Catholic

81 Pollak, Josef (1861-01-20 1942-04-26) Birthplace: Rajec, Residence: Rajec, Religion: Jew

81 Neumann, Betti (1862-09-28 1943-12-30) Birthplace: Geburtsort nicht bekannt, Residence: Wohnort nicht bekannt, Religion: Unknown

81 Szewczyk, Zdzislaw (1862-10-27 1943-12-18) Birthplace: Tarnobrzeg, Residence: Moschin, Religion: Catholic

81 Gruszczynski, Maria (1862-06-16 1943-07-21) Birthplace: Klonowa, Residence: Litzmannstadt-Chojny, Religion: Catholic

81 Subrt, Nepomucena (1862-06-21 1943-07-25) Birthplace: Swatoborschitz, Residence: Tscheloschnitz, Religion: Catholic

81 Brüll, Johanna Sara (1862-11-29 1943-12-30) Birthplace: Geburtsort nicht bekannt, Residence: Theresienstadt, Religion: Unknown

81 Eiser, Johanna (1861-05-09 1942-06-02) Birthplace: Nositz, Residence: Rajetz, Religion: Jew

80 Sojka, Berta Sara (1863-01-01 1943-12-27) Birthplace: Jungbunzlau, Residence: Theresienstadt, Religion: Jew

80 Stopnicki, Michal (1860-08-31 1941-08-25) Birthplace: Stare Stawy, Residence: Jaslo, Religion: Catholic

80 Dirnfeld, Israel (1861-07-00 1942-06-24) Birthplace: Nitra, Residence: Nitra, Religion: Jew

80 Pietrowicz, Anton (1863-00-00 1943-12-18) Birthplace: Suchopiatowa, Residence: Suchopiatowa, Religion: Greek Orthodox

80 Waitz, Karl (1862-06-15 1943-05-06) Birthplace: Pleil, Residence: Graz, Religion: Catholic

80 Spakow, Tatjana (1863-00-00 1943-11-15) Birthplace: Stiriki, Residence: Lopatki, Religion: Greek Orthodox

80 Szubrow, Tatjana (1863-00-00 1943-10-27) Birthplace: Bobruszki, Residence: Bielikow, Religion: Greek Orthodox

80 Orieszenko, Andriej (1863-00-00 1943-10-07) Birthplace: Chabaty, Residence: Chabaty, Religion: Greek Orthodox

80 Stefaniak, Wiktoria (1862-10-14 1943-06-19) Birthplace: Garz, Residence: Komsdorf, Religion: Catholic

80 Jelinski, Jozefa (1863-03-12 1943-11-15) Birthplace: Tschenstochau, Residence: Litzmannstadt, Religion: Catholic

80 Pohl, Wilhelm (1862-09-13 1943-05-07) Birthplace: Beneschau, Residence: Teplitz-Schönau, Religion: Catholic

80 Rotholz, Louis Israel (1862-07-12 1943-02-13) Birthplace: Pyritz, Residence: Berlin, Religion: Jew

80 Stein, Rudolf (1863-01-01 1943-07-03) Birthplace: Breslau, Residence: Bremen, Religion: Catholic

80 Graczek, Marja (1863-07-16 1943-12-26) Birthplace: Salzberg, Residence: Jaworzno, Religion: Catholic

80 Karoly, Juliana (1863-01-12 1943-06-20) Birthplace: Mönchmeierhof, Residence: Spitzzicken, Religion: Catholic

80 Daniel, Josef (1863-02-16 1943-07-09) Birthplace: Bilowitz, Residence: Bilowitz, Religion: Catholic

80 Herzberger, Oswald Julius Hermann (1863-02-07 1943-06-23) Birthplace: Striegau, Residence: Neumünster, Religion: Protestant

80 Serynek, Beatrix (1863-00-00 1943-05-04) Birthplace: Milschitz, Residence: Pilsen, Religion: Catholic

80 Wagner, Emilie Sara (1863-11-25 1943-12-28) Birthplace: Slatina bei Königgrätz, Residence: Theresienstadt, Religion: Jew

As the holocaust of six million Jews in World War I was eventually revised to zero, the Jewish magazine FORWARD, November 25, 2005 is continuing to revise downward the number of Jews claimed to have been exterminated in Auschwitz from the one-time figure of nine million, to not millions, not hundreds of thousands, but "thousands" of "deaths," not exterminations. (As we know, most deaths were from disease caused by allied destruction of supply lines near war's end). And Auschwitz is now a "concentration camp," no longer a "death camp": 

"In addition to Irving's arrest, Rudolph, 41, was sent from Chicago this month to his native Germany, where he was wanted on a 1995 conviction of inciting racial hatred for disputing the deaths of thousands of Jews held captive at a concentration camp. Rudolph was sentenced to 14 months in prison for publishing a report disputing the deaths of thousands of Jews in the gas chambers at Auschwitz, according to a statement by the Department of Homeland Security. Rudolph, a former chemist, claimed in his report that since he had failed to find traces of Zyklon B on the bricks of gas chambers, mass gassings of Jews could not have occurred at Auschwitz".

The NewsTelegraph: "Auschwitz, the infamous Nazi death Camp." Great Britain's foremost Jewish journalist, author and holocaust researcher, Gitta Sereny, smacked The NewsTelegraph in the face: "Auschwitz was a terrible place—but it was not an extermination camp." The TimesLondon, August 29, 2001. (Also see Auschwitz—Myths & Facts).

Note 3Professor Robert Faurisson, writes: Jean-Marie Le Pen recently stated: "If you take a thousand-page book on the Second World War, the concentration camps occupy two pages and the gas chambers ten or fifteen lines, and that's called a detail."

"He might have brought up some even harder-hitting and more precise arguments, and referred to Eisenhower, Churchill, de Gaulle, Elie Wiesel, René Rémond, Daniel Goldhagen, and even the text of the Nuremberg Tribunal judgment." 

"Three of the best known works on the Second World War are General Eisenhower's Crusade in Europe (New York: Doubleday [Country Life Press], 1948), Winston Churchill'sThe Second World War (London: Cassell, 6 vols., 1948-1954), and the Mémoires de guerre of General de Gaulle (Paris: Plon, 3 vols., 1954-1959). In these three works not the least mention of Nazi gas chambers is to be found."

"Eisenhower's Crusade in Europe is a book of 559 pages; the six volumes of Churchill's Second World War total 4,448 pages; and de Gaulle's three-volume Mémoires de guerre is 2,054 pages. In this mass of writing, which altogether totals 7,061 pages (not including the introductory parts), published from 1948 to 1959, one will find no mention either of Nazi "gas chambers, "a" genocide" of the Jews, or of "six million" Jewish victims of the war."

The comprehensive and entirely neutral Report of the International Committee of the Red Cross on its Activities during the Second World War, (Geneva, 1948), incorporated and expanded the findings of two previous works: Documents sur l'activité du CICR en faveur des civils détenus dans les camps de concentration en Allemagne 1939-1945(Geneva, 1946), and Inter Arma Caritas: the Work of the ICRC during the Second World War (Geneva, 1947). It found no evidence whatever at the camps in Axis occupied Europe of a deliberate policy to exterminate the Jews, and in all 1,600 pages of this three volume Report it does not even mention such a thing as a gas chamber. 

The same goes for the autobiographical account, Night (New York: Hill and Wang, 1960), in which Elie Wiesel relates his experience of Auschwitz and Buchenwald. Moreover, in the first volume of his memoirs, All Rivers Run to the Sea (New York: Random House/Knopf, 1995, p. 74), he writes, "Let the gas chambers remain closed to prying eyes, and to imagination."

In the third volume of his Introduction à l'histoire de notre temps ("Introduction to the History of Our Times"), René Rémond, who was then president of the commission on the history of the deportation within the Comité d'histoire de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale (Committee on the History of the Second World War), made no mention whatsoever of these gas chambers (Le XXe siècle de 1914 à nos jours ["The 20th Century from 1914 to the Present"], Le Seuil, 1974). Fourteen years later, when he had become president of the Institut d'histoire du temps présent (Institute of Contemporary History), once again he made no mention of them in a 1,013-page work entitled Notre Siècle de 1918 à 1988 ("Our Century from 1916 to 1988," Paris: Fayard, 1988).

Since March 1996, the Jewish-American historian Daniel Jonah Goldhagen has been treated as the darling of the media the world over, thanks to his book Hitler's Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust (New York: Knopf, 1996, xiv-634 pp.). While he does mention Nazi gas chambers, it is for little more than to note that "their efficiency has been greatly overstated" (p. 10), and that they have always been, and wrongly, "the overwhelming focus of popular and even scholarly attention" (p. 165). Goldhagen goes as far as to declare that "gassing was really epiphenomenal to the Germans' slaughter of the Jews" (p. 533, n. 81) and that "the imbalance of attention devoted to the gas chambers needs to be corrected" (p. 535). (NAZI Gassings Never Happened! by Friedrich Paul Berg; Circular Letter of the Military Police Service dated October 1, 1948 read in evidence to Canadian court April 11-12, 1988, stated "the Allied Commissions of Inquiry have so far established that no people were killed by poison gas in the following concentration camps: Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald, Dachau, Flossenbürg, Gross-Rosen, Mauthausen and its satellite camps, Natzweiler, Neuengamme, Niederhagen (Wewelsburg), Ravensbrück, Sachsenhausen, Stutthof, Theresienstadt). 

France's Fabius-Gayssot law of 1990 specifically forbids the "challenging" or "contesting" of the portions of the judgment of the International Military Tribunal of Nuremberg (September 30 and October 1, 1946) relating to "crimes against humanity," including the use of execution gas chambers. But it is noteworthy that, of the 84,000 words of the judgment's text (in the French version), only 520, extremely vague, are devoted to gas chambers. This is 1/160th of the entire text, or 0.62 percent. In other words, 99.38 percent of the judgment does not deal with these gas chambers. 

In this important transcript of a video, Jewish revisionist scholar David Cole interviews Franciszek Piper, Auschwitz museum curator who admits, perhaps primarily because the latter is also Jewish, that the gas chambers and crematoria seen by visitors to Auschwitz were inventions built by the Soviets ten years after WWII ended. 

Aerial reconnaissance of Auschwitz and Birkenau by Britain and America corroborated intelligence reports and concluded the inmates were not being murdered or physically abused in the visible camps.

The Nuremberg Judgment

Why were Eisenhower, Churchill, de Gaulle, Elie Wiesel, René Rémond, Daniel Goldhagen, and the Nuremberg Tribunal so reserved on the subject of the Nazi gas chambers? Of course, revisionists have explanations for this reticence that, however, the Fabius-Gayssot law forbids us to make public in France. 

My own explanations, which cannot be published in France without committing a crime, would include the following:

The Nazi extermination gas chambers never existed. 

Eisenhower, Churchill, and de Gaulle knew or suspected that their own governments' propaganda about gas chambers was not true. (Thus, on August 30, 1943, US Secretary of State Cordell Hull wrote to Standley, US Ambassador in Moscow: ". . . there is insufficient evidence to justify the statement regarding execution in gas chambers" [Foreign Relations of the United States: Diplomatic Papers 1943. US Government Printing Office, 1963, vol. 1, p. 416]).

Elie Wiesel probably now regrets that he did not mention gas chambers in his autobiographical work, Night. 

René Rémond revealed to me in November 1978 that he was "ready to follow [me] on the gas chamber matter." 

Goldhagen probably realizes that the gas chamber story is fishy, and, anyway, prefers to insist on killing methods that permit him to accuse millions of Germans of complicity in crimes, rather than emphasize a specific killing method that implies only a handful of German criminals. 

The Nuremberg Tribunal judges had nothing substantive to say about the gas chambers because they understood that no investigation had been conducted as to the specifics of the "murder weapon," and because neither the "witnesses" nor former Auschwitz commandant Rudolf Höss had been asked hard specific questions about the gas chambers (Professor Robert Faurisson).

Note 4:"Full Responsibility for the First World War, lies squarely on the shoulders of the International Jewish Bankers. They are responsible for Millions of dead and dying" (U.S. Congressional Record 67th Congress, 4. Sitting, Senate Document #346).

The Second World War is being fought for the defense of the fundamentals of Judaism (Chicago Jewish Sentinel, October 8, 1942). 

"The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish planning and Jewish dissatisfaction. Our Plan is to have a New World Order. What worked so wonderfully in Russia, is going to become Reality for the whole world" (The American Hebrew Magazine, September 10, 1920). 

Jewry seized power in the USA through a most professional performance of holocaust suffering in the Media and in Hollywood films. Jewish Professor Norman Finkelstein puts it this way: "Our present interpretation of the Holocaust has been deliberately devised by American Jewish groups for purposes of ethnic supremacy, political advantage and financial gain" (BBC-News—January 26, 2000). 

In his book, "The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering" (2000), Dr. Finkelstein states that many powerful Zionist groups have used the Holocaust to amass vast sums of money. He states that the Holocaust has been used for fund raising for the survivors of the Hitler's detention camps. And, he continues, the survivors never received any of the funds. Hundreds of billions of dollars have been raised for Jewish causes because of the Holocaust. Over 700 billion has come from the United States. The Holocaust ideology is distinguished in its capitalization. He documents economic exploitation by this "Holocaust Industry," which he calls an "outright extortion racket".

"In December 1991, Alan Baer [Alan and Marcia Baer Foundation] put up the money for a full-page advertisement placed by the ADL in several major newspapers. The ad, headlined "Not All Nazis Are Living in South America," was a fundraising pitch for the ADL.

Bad judgment on the part of the ADL? Or merely one more instance of the ADL's showing its true colors. You be the judge (The Ugly Truth About the ADL, E.I.R., p. 103-119).

Carlos Porter's lengthy Made in Russia - the Holocaust [is] a compilation of the dozens of allegedly incredible or implausible Holocaust claims advanced by the Allies—particularly the Soviets—at the International Military Tribunal... [the book] contains photocopies and photographs of hundreds of pages of the trial transcripts and documents accepted as exhibits, allowing the reader to see for himself just how irrational some of the claims were." 

"Collection of Holocaust sources from 'eye witnesses' and otherwise 'proven' accounts that are now considered absurd and false. . . Steaming, mass electrocution, atomic bombs, 'spanking machines', human lampshades/soap/etc, shrunken heads, cannibalism, poisoned soft drinks are just some of these absurdities tried before the final version of the story. . ."

Adolf Hitler said that people will doubt the truth of a small lie, but never a big one. He went on to say that the first and foremost practitioners of this technique have always been the Jews. Of course, this part of the quotation is forgotten - deliberately amputated (but always with plenty of anaesthesia). 

Proof of the truth of this contention, including the last four words, is that the so-called Holocaust itself is not only the biggest "Big Lie" in history, but probably the stupidest as well. 

One might just as well say that people will doubt the truth of an intelligent lie, but never a stupid one—and the stupider the better. 

For example: if you tell your wife that you're working late at the office instead of drinking with your friends (or worse), she'll know it's a lie. 

But if you tell her that Adolf Eichmann witnessed "blood spurting in little geysers from a mass grave" [Christopher Browning, FATEFUL MONTHS, Essays on the Emergence of the Final Solution, Holmes & Meyer, NY, 1985, p. 24], she'll probably believe it.

What's more, if you tell her it's all a load of old Nellie and that geysers are caused by volcanic heat turning water to steam in rock - what could cause a "geyser of blood" in a mass grave?—she'll probably get indignant. "Cruel monster! Heartless beast!"

The Holocaust is a universe of lies! Hundreds of photographs and official documentation support this fact. wasthere.htm



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 Was there Really a Holocaust?

By Dr. E. R. Fields

The Holocaust has become the greatest instrument of sympathy which any nation has ever been able to use to gain support for wars, expansion and foreign-aid: This has made Israel the world's sixth strongest military power. The gravest threat to all this wealth and influence is the growing doubt over the question of whether or not a real holocaust of 6 million Jews actually took place.


Numbers of Victims Don't Add Up

The World Almanac for 1947 states that back in 1939 the world Jewish population was 15,688,259. The Almanac's figures were supplied by the American Jewish Committee. Next the Jewish-owned New York Times of February 22, 1948 stated the world Jewish population for that year amounted "to 15,600,000 to 18,700,000 in addition to the 600,000 to 700,000 living in Palestine." How could the Jewish population increase so rapidly over the war years if they had lost 6,000,000 people? (See Note 1). 

Following the rise of Hitler there were no more than 4 million Jews at most living in areas occupied by the Third Reich at the height of its power. Yet on June 30, 1965, the West German government announced that some 3,375,000 Jewish holocaust "survivors" had applied for reparations money. The International Red Cross had already reported in 1946 that of registered Jewish camp inmates no more than 300,000 could have died, and their audit to December 31, 1984 records a total 282,077 registered deaths of allinternees in all German Concentration Camps from all causes. 

It is interesting to note that in the Jews' real "bible", The Talmud, it is claimed that 800,000 Jews were slaughtered by the Romans in Hadrian's era. Yet there is no historical evidence to support this claim either. The Jewish-owned New York Times, in 1945 carried an article by the well known Jewish writer C.L. Sulzberger. It openly stated that Soviet Russia had supplied the figure of 4 million Jews having been put to death "in the gas chambers of Auschwitz." Thus it was the Judaeo-Communists and the Jews who initially originated these figures which today are accepted as "gospel truth". It is claimed that from 1934 to 1945 some 50,000 people died in the huge Bergen-Belsen camp. This count is considered exaggerated, still Time Magazine reports that of this figure 20,000 died of typhus during the single month of March, 1945! If nearly half died of this plague in just one month at the end of the war there is no way Bergen-Belsen could have been an "extermination camp". (See Note 2).

Himmler - "Reduce Deaths at all Costs"

Heinrich Himmler, chief of the Concentration Camps issued orders on December 28, 1942, that "The death rate in the concentration camps must be reduced at all costs" (Reitlinger, "The Final Solution"). The camps had been hit with a deadly typhus epidemic that spread by fleas and body lice. Stomach pain, high fever, emaciation and death can quickly follow. All of the camps were factories and the loss of workers was hurting war production. Inspector of the camps, Richard Glucks responded to Himmler's order on January 20, 1943, "Every means will be used to lower the death rates" (Nuremberg Tribunal Document No. 1523). 

On April 10, 1943, Oswald Pohl, head of the Economic Administration Office of the camps issued a letter stating that persons with tuberculosis were being sent to the camps resulting in the "shockingly high mortality figures" (Nuremberg Documents). Later, on September 30, 1943, Pohl was able to show that the camp death rate had been reduced from 8.5% in July, 1942 to 2.8% in June 1943. 

The German SS arrested Buchenwald Commandant, Karl Koch in 1943 for mistreating and even executing some prisoners. After an investigation Koch was found guilty by SS Judge Konrad Morgen and shot. Does this sound like a policy of "extermination?" 

After the War, with suspicion rapidly rising about the holocaust claim, a committee of Jewish leaders from New York and Paris met with communist leaders in Warsaw. There they established the "Committee for the Investigation of War Crimes and War Criminals". It was after this meeting that the announcement was made that all gas chambers were located in Poland.

The Problems of Mass Gassing

In 1945 it was announced that gas death chambers existed in all concentration camps in Poland, Germany, Austria and Alsace. Some 15 years later, in 1960, this was revised to the new claim that gas chambers existed only in camps located in Soviet held Poland. Simon Weisenthal of the Los Angeles Holocaust Center states in the paper, "Books and Bookmen", April 1975, page 5, "No gassing took place in any camp on German soil." The pressure had been growing since The Vatican, Red Cross, English Intelligence and German Intelligence chiefs Canaris and Oster (who collaborated with the British) either did not know or did not believe in rumors of gassings. 

This brings up the following questions: 

1). Germans are meticulous record keepers but there is not one order for the construction of any gas chamber, no blueprint, no photo of any gas chamber or gassed victims. 
2). There have been thousands of investigations of alleged Nazi war criminals, hundreds of trials, yet not one person was ever accused of being involved with actual gassings! No reliable witness on either side has ever come forward who saw a single person gassed—AND THERE ARE SUPPOSED TO HAVE BEEN OVER 10,000 MASS GASSINGS! 
3). Photos of bodies at Dachau and Belsen camps are of prisoners who died of typhus and malnutrition. Many Germans also died from typhus. 
4). The Vatican and Red Cross interviewed thousands of freed camp inmates at the end of the War about alleged gas chambers. The response was always the same, "The detainees themselves have not spoken of them" (Red Cross document No. 9925, June 1946).



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Forced Confessions of Gassings

Rudolf Hoess was the commandant of Auschwitz from 1940 to 1943. When captured by the Soviets they extracted a confession to mass gassings using Zyclon-B gas. Such "confessions" are about as reliable as any forced by Stalin from victims tortured before taking the stand to confess during the Moscow show trials of 1936. The communists wrote the "Confession' and Hoess signed it. Later he was hanged. An assistant commandant refused to sign—he died in his cell. Hoess' statement read, "half an hour after having released the gas, they opened the door and started the ventilation machines. They began immediately to extract the bodies while eating and smoking." 

Was Hoess trying to get a message across that there were no gassing? Zyklon-B is not "ventable". The manufacturers state Zyklon-B adheres to surface clothing and skin. They say that only after a 24 hour period, wearing a gas mask with the strongest filter, could any bodies be removed without killing such workers. 

If we believe the Hoess confession that the workers ran into the gas chamber "eating and smoking"—without gas masks—only minutes after the gassing—ALL WOULD HAVE DIED!

Gas Stories not Possible

The Jew Mosche Pearlmann in his book, "The Capture and Trial of Adolph Eichmann" states on pages 375 and 385 that Zyclon-B crystals were introduced from the ceilings of the gas chambers and "became immediately gaseous." The American Cyanamid Co. of Linden N.J. states: "We know of no chemical process whereby HCN (Zyklon-B) may be made to become instantly gaseous upon exposure to air." (See Note 3).

Claims of William Shirer

Shirer claims the gas was released from overhead through fake shower outlets, (page 970) and quickly killed its victims. The truth is that Zyklon-B gas is lighter than air and would rise to the ceiling so that anyone throwing themselves to the floor would be saved. Shirer also quotes the Soviet written confession signed by Hoess as stating (page 968), "We knew when the people were dead because their screaming stopped." If anyone were actually killed with a cyanide type gas they would die instantly thus there would be no screaming at all. The truth is that Zyklon-B was used to delouse inmates' clothing of lice and fleas which carry typhus.

The Problem of the Crematoriums

At the Auschwitz I camp there were only 6 crematory ovens. At the hospital in Auschwitz II there are 46 single cremators. In the Lubin camp there were only 6. THAT'S ALL! In these three camps 3 to 4 million Jews were supposed to have been exterminated and their bodies cremated. Furthermore, these cremation ovens were very small with only 18' doors and required from 4 to 6 hours to burn each body using a large amount of coal. Cremation was used in the camps for those who passed away in order to prevent epidemics. No large supplies of coal were ever stored at the camps for cremations. A VERY INTERESTING NOTE appears only in the German edition of William L. Shirer's book, "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich." It seems the Didler-Werke Company, which built the crematory ovens, sued Shirer who previously wrote that millions of people were gassed and then burned in this company's ovens. In an out-of-court settlement of the suit Shirer agreed to add the following footnote on page 972 of the German edition: "The Didler-Werke have raised objection to the name of their firm appearing in the chapter concerning the extermination camps. Dr. S. Trastel, a professor of engineering in a statement of August 1961 established that the measurements are those which are standard for a crematory oven of not very modern design intended for small cemeteries and would be unsuitable for mass burning." WHY IS THIS DELETED FROM THE ENGLISH EDITION??? 

On the question of cremating 6,000,000 people—this would leave 15,000 tons of ashes! Such gigantic piles of ashes created over the short 2 1/2 year period the holocaust supposedly took place would have been very difficult to dispose of. No one has ever come forward to report seeing such huge piles of tons of ashes. It was not until 1960 that the Soviets opened the Auschwitz camp to tourists and independent investigators. No gas chamber could be found. The official answer was that it was "taken to another camp for gassings and then later went into oblivion!" (See Zimunism).

What Experts say about the Holocaust

Dr. Harry Elmer Barnes, eminent historian, author of 40 books, many of which are standard college texts, noted in Rampart Journal, 1967. "It has been demonstrated that there had been no systematic extermination in those camps." Thies Christopherden, a German soldier and author wrote: "I was at Auschwitz! There was no gas chamber there." Paul Rassiner, historian and anti-Nazi activist, who served a prison sentence in Buchenwald and the Dora camps stated in 1962. "The claim that a holocaust took place is an historic lie—the most tragic and most macabre imposture of all time." Prof. Robert Faurisson, a specialist in Document Analysis at the University of Lyon. France, stated on April 25, 1979. "The holocaust lie, which is largely of Zionist origin, has made an enormous political and financial fraud possible, whose principal beneficiary is the state of Israel."

Why the Holocaust Campaign

Hardly a week goes by when there are not stories in the press, on TV-News or movies about the alleged holocaust. What is the long range design for this constant attempt to fill Germans and indeed all Christians with a feeling of guilt over a holocaust which never occurred? 

Bernard Postal wrote in the Jewish Week, July 14, 1979, "Not until after the holocaust, did anti-Semitism become taboo. There was a time when anti-Semitic speeches were an open factor in national campaigns. The holocaust put a taboo on overt anti-Semitism among upper-level statesmen and publicists."

S.E.D. Brown of South Africa, a noted journalist writes, "The holocaust instills a guilt complex in those said to be guilty and spreads the demoralization, degeneration, and eventually the destruction of the natural racial elite among a people. This transfers effective political control to the lowest elements who will cowtow to the Jews." 

Zionist spokesmen often boast of: "The shattering effect of the holocaust on the Christian conscience resulting in a feeling of collective indebtedness to the Jews." 

Massive unending U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel in made possible because anyone who dares to oppose these outrageous giveaways is condemned as being "anti-Semitic" and "insensitive" to holocaust victims. The Jews hold an unnatural violent hatred for the German people. Jews seek to turn all other peoples of the world against the Germans and keep that nation divided for all time to come. That is why no peace treaty has been signed as yet with Germany and why they still live under Allied military occupation laws.

A Question of Fund-raising

The Wall Street Journal quotes a Jewish professional fund-raising consultant firm of Milton Goldin Co., as saying the main theme of Jewish fund-raising is the holocaust and has been for 38 years. When they don't use the holocaust the money collection sharply drops off. Thus the more the Press, TV and Hollywood promotes the holocaust the more money the United Jewish Appeal and other Zionist funds can extract from gullible people (Note 4).

Holocaust Silences Opposition

Jewish leaders have discovered that by repeating holocaust stories over and over again they can instill a guilt complex within all Gentiles. This effectively silences most critics of Zionist political goals.

What about Real Holocausts?

Why doesn't the Jew-controlled press, TV and film industry give massive media attention to real victims and to proven holocausts of Gentiles in recent history.

The Soviet-Bolshevik Holocaust of Christians:

Russian Kulak Farmers (1928-1930)—15 million exterminated. Ukranian Farmers (1930-1933)—7 Million exterminated. Russian Political Prisoners (1919-1949)—12 million exterminated. Total peoples murdered by Lenin and Stalin—34 million. But there were more: several hundred thousand Russians—a staggering number—took up arms against the Soviet Union in the years following the German invasion in June 1941. They were betrayed by the Allies at Yalta and murdered by the Judaeo-Communist Soviet. When Western archives were at last available to historians, two remarkable books quickly appeared: The Last Secret, 1974, by Nicholas Bethel, and Victims of Yalta, 1977, by Nikolai Tolstoy, both shocking in their detailed accounts of what had happened. Cambodian extermination 1975—2.5 million. Armenian extermination by the Turks, 1915—1.5 million. 

Eisenhower's Death Camps

Scanned images of the text of the cover story published in the September 1989 issue of Saturday Night describes Eisenhower's barbarism. Here is the video 

Behind the scenes the same group, always working under a different name and in a different occupation has managed every one of these real genocides as well as recent and ongoing holocausts in Palestine, Iraq and elsewhere. Photo illustrates Other Losses by James Bacque, & The Avengers by Michael Bar-Zohar, (1967). Hawthorn Books, inc, New York. 

Bacque tells the truth about how Eisenhower murdered thousands of German prisoners of war AFTER the surrender. Many of those starving soldiers and piles of dead bodies you have seen in atrocity photos were NOT Jews, they were Germans. 

Don't argue with me, read the book. General George Patton wrote in 1945 that Eisenhower was using "practically Gestapo methods" in torturing and killing German POWs. 

In August 1944 Dwight D. Eisenhower (who in the early 1960s ordered the assassination of Patrice Lamumba) and Henry C. Morgenthau came up with the Morgenthau Plan to inflict collective punishment upon the German people following the end of the Second World War. This was, basically, a plan to starve millions of Germans, mostly citizens, to death. Although the plan was officially cancelled, it was in fact implemented. Between 1945 and 1953 it is estimated between 9 to 15 million ethnic Germans were killed, mainly civilians. 

(Also read, An Eye for an Eye: The Untold Story of Jewish Revenge Against Germans in 1945 by John Sack, and statistical and documentary evidence presented in, Did Six Million Really Die? by Richard Verrall). 

(Based on an Article from: "THE TRUTH AT LAST" Journal. P.O. Box 1211, Marietta, Georgia 30061., USA).

The Evening Independent, April, 24, 1945

In this news item published in The Evening Independent of St. Petersburg in Florida (which has a large Jewish population), the Allies boast of MURDERING 1,000,000 German POWs in 21 days. 

Eisenhower's Death campsThe untold story of Eisenhower's Rhine Meadows Death Camps—A deliberate policy of extermination of the surrendered German forces by the Allies in post war Germany (Rheinwiesenlager). Full documentary, plus additional background information, and a memorial for the victims. This German language film has been translated into English, re-edited, narrated, and published by Justice for Germans

Part 1 The 'Rheinwiesenlager' German language documentary translated into English, with additional information and interviews (50 minutes). 

Part 2 Deanna Spingola reads a chapter from her book dealing with the subject of these camps and provides additional background information regarding the perpetrators and their policies (30 minutes). 

Part 3 A Memorial March for the victims of these camps held in Remagen, Germany in 2011, also translated and narrated in English (10 minutes). The theme song in the opening segment is "Recurrence" by J. Belenger and included with his permission Full 



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Note 1In his eulogy to Antony Sutton, Alan Stang wrote, "His volumes will explain why the West built the Soviets and Hitler; why we go to war, to lose; why Wall Street loves Marxists and Nazis; why the kids can't read; why the churches have become propaganda founts; why historical facts are suppressed, why politicians lie and a hundred other whys". 

After 60 Years and Many More Billions!

To: The Simon Wiesenthal Center Library & Archive
Sent: 05/11/04 09:11AM
Subject: List of names?

Dear Simon Wiesenthal Center,

I was looking for the online database of the 6 million names of people who died at the Nazi death camps. I figured that there has to be such a site in today's information age and with the careful documenting of such things. I was wondering if you could give me this link? 


From: "Library Mailbox" <>
Date: 2004/05/11 Tue PM 08:06:02 GMT
Subject: Re: List of names?

Thank you for your email inquiry. As of this writing, there is no database of 6 million names. Yad Vashem is planning to release approximately one million names on a database sometime this year and has plans to include several million more in the future. Please go to: for details.

Very truly yours,
The Simon Wiesenthal Center Library & Archives

David Cohen " Now Trying To Profit From Hate" (Australian Jewry Against Jewish Fascism, 12-21-00).

As Jews, we apologize to you. Let me assure you that the Simon Wiesenthal organization does not represent any Jews we know of.

In recent years the worldwide Jewish community has been infested with extreme fascist organizations like the Simon Wiesenthal Center, the ADL, and others who pretend to represent World Jewry. In reality, they are front organizations working to limit our free speech and civil rights. 

Their problematic websites are a source of shame to all of us Jews. These US-based groups are using the ideas of religious extremists to cause mayhem and anarchy by manipulating the Internet and the news media in general. These organizations are using the same strategy that the Nazis used, trying to intimidate us into not exercising our freedom of free speech. Anyone who disagrees with these extreme fascist Jewish organizations is labelled 'anti-Semite', 'racist', 'anti-American', a 'Jew hater' or if he/she is a Jew: a 'self-hating Jew'. 

We Australians are very surprised that you allow these fascist Jewish organizations to operate in the USA. By glancing at their "hate-sites", you can see that they are labelling every proud patriotic American as a criminal! The citizens of all nations should be proud of their country and there is nothing wrong with being patriotic as long as we remember that all humans and nations are equal and all are a part of the living world, dependent on the survival of our life supporting ecosystems.

Jews in Australia remember Crystal Night very well, when the Nazis burnt all of our Jewish holy books in Germany. Now the Simon Wiesenthal Center is "burning websites" by selling them on CD. . . In addition, recently, the Simon Wiesenthal Center had the audacity to take this list off their website and instead SELL IT on CD!

The Simon Wiesenthal Center now has become a merchant of hatred. I can now see the entire world pointing a finger at us Jews for making money by selling hatred. The main goal of these fascist Jewish organizations is to attract hatred towards us Jews.

They are a great liability to all Jews. We do not know who is financing them and we want nothing to do with them. 

Here in Australia, hardly a week goes by without these organizations placing a Rabbi on the news to tell us that we all support Israel's activities. Nothing is further from the truth! Israel has become a great liability for Jews worldwide as a result of the recent massacres by the Israeli army of Palestinian women and children. This has resulted in hundreds of attacks on Jewish institutions worldwide this year. Humanity is a global community and the actions of citizens in each country have a direct repercussion on the rest of the human community.

It is not a secret that we Jews practically control the world distribution and production of films. This has manifested itself by forcing the world to watch films about the Nazi concentration camps almost every week of the year for the last half a century.

It is vital that humanity learns the errors of the past and the Holocaust has to be remembered. However, because we are a global community, we have to remember that there have been many Holocausts for many different people. We cannot look at one event in isolation. We must look at them ALL. Humanity has a world view. All these are magnified a thousand times when we are aware that General Ariel Sharon who was named as responsible to the Massacres of Sabra & Shatila in Lebanon, by an Israeli Government Commission, is now proposed to be the next Prime Minister of Israel. (In Sabra & Shatila refugees camps in Lebanon, many thousands of women & children were assassinated, their bodies pushed to heaps by unmarked Israeli army bulldozers).

Today, the world's view of Israel's activities is one of a powerful state attacking a minority people and that makes us look like a modern manifestation of the Nazis. Competition with and fighting against our neighbours has always been a part of the human struggle for survival. Any population of humans can make the grave error of aggression towards their neighbour and only human community values can put an end to such behaviour.

Jewish hatred of Palestinians is as evil as the Nazi hatred of Jews or Palestinian hatred of Jews. It is all hatred and this evil threatens all people and resolves nothing. This is the reason why so many Jews here in Australia have suggested moving ALL Israelis to a remote part of Australia. We need the expertise of the Israelis, who are world leaders and experts in many fields and this needs to be recognized around the world. It is now up to Jews and Israelis world wide to demand that the nation of Israel treat the Palestinians as the brothers that they really are. Christian and Muslim Arabs world wide must also demand that Jews be treated as brothers, not enemies. 

Jews, Christians and Moslems are all brothers because we are all People of the Bible. All families fight but only those that make up and resolve their differences will survive and prosper.


David Cohen
Australian Jewry Against Jewish Fascism

One Jew to Another
Open Letter To: Mr Simon Wiesenthal
Subject: Nazis Chasing Sixty Years After The War
From: R. D. Polacco de Menasce France 6-27-4

My Dear Sir,

I do think that no Jew will ever dare to tell you the truth. 

I am probably the only Jew left who can tell it to you.

I have learnt that you are still chasing very old persons who had responsibilities in the Nazi regime. Sixty years after! People who are eighty-five years old! How shameful!

Do you know one ethnicity who did such a thing in the course of the History of Mankind? You are the very symbol of Talmudic hysterical neverending hatred.

This is the more egregious as the Nazi regime gave work, sane economy and balance to a whole country, whereas today, everything (when I mention everything, I mean absolutely all) is both Jewish and entirely rotten. 

Jewish Capitalism has collapsed the world into all forms of pollutions. Jewish Marxism has slaughtered 200,000,000 people.

To crown it all, everybody knows that there were not 6,000,000 Jews (a country the size of Switzerland) in occupied Europe in 1941 (The American Jewish Year book,mentions 3,300,000 Jews and from that date (1941) on, we all fled to the Free Zone or to Spain towards England). And it is only one million Jews whom Hitler wanted to exchange for trucks at the period of the so-called Shoah. Besides we know that Zyklon B cannot gas 1000 or 2000 people at one time (see M.Roubeix, chief executive of the factory of Saint Avold producing cyanide acid) in gas chambers which have strictly never found norms. 

I suppose you would rather have a Jewish USA government enshrined in Jewish finance, pinching petrol in Iraq, spreading Jewish one-worldism, Jewish pornography, 13 Jewish press, Jewish puppets in all governments, than the cleanness of the Nazi regime which made a miracle out of the Jewish rot of the Versailles treaty—the negotiators of which were the Warburg brothers, and that of the Weimar Republic. 

You are 95 years of age: if you are not insane what will you tell the Lord when you soon appear if front of Him?

I do wonder.

Entirely disgusted,
R. D. Polacco de Menasce
(Docteur de l'universite de Paris. These de morpho-psycho-endocrinologie—Ret.) 

Note: The fraudulent Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal was given an honorary knighthood. Under oath and in books he has contradicted himself and spread vile falsehoods about alleged German atrocities. However he at times told the truth, as in 1975 and again in 1993 when he publicly acknowledged "there were no extermination camps on German soil" (S. Wiesenthal, Sails of Hope), thereby conceding the claims made at the Nuremberg Tribunal and elsewhere that Buchenwald, Dachau and other camps in Germany proper were "extermination camps" are untrue (

Note 2The Diminishing Numbers of Alleged Dead in Auschwitz.
According to the holocaust legend, Jewish prisoners who arrived at Auschwitz between the spring of 1942 and the fall of 1944, and who were not able to work, were immediately put to death and that no records were kept of such deaths (even though all other deaths where recorded in detail). . . 

9,000,000 Source: Cited by the French documentary, Night and Fog, which has been shown to millions of school students worldwide. 

8,000,000 Source: The French War Crime Research Office, Doc. 31, 1945. 

7,000,000 Source: Also cited by the French War Crime Research Office. 

6,000,000 Source: Cited in the book Auschwitz Doctor by Miklos Nyiszli. It has since been proven that this book is a fraud and the "doctor" was never even at Auschwitz, even though the book is often cited by historians. 

5,000,000 to 5,500,000 Source: Cited in 1945 at the trial of Auschwitz commander Rudolf Höss, based on his confession which was written in English, a language he never spoke. 

5,000,000 Source: Cited on April 20, 1978 by the French daily, Le Monde. Also cited on January 23, 1995 by the German daily Die Welt. By September 1, 1989, Le Mondereduced the figure to 1,433,000. 

4,500,000 Source: In 1945 this figure was cited by another witness at the aforementioned Höss trial. 

4,000,000 Source: Cited by a Soviet document of May 6, 1945 and officially acknowledged by the Nuremberg War Crimes trial. This figure was also reported in The New York Times on April 18, 1945, although 50 years later on January 26, 1995, The New York Times and The Washington Post slashed the figure to 1,500,000 citing new findings by the Auschwitz Museum officials. In fact, the figure of 4,000,000 was later repudiated by the Auschwitz museum officials in 1990 but the figure of 1,500,000 victims was not formally announced by Polish President Lech Walesa until five years after the Auschwitz historians had first announced their discovery. 

3,500,000 Source: Cited in the 1991 edition of the Dictionary of the French Language and by Claude Lanzmann in 1980 in his introduction to Filip Muller's book, Three Years in an Auschwitz Gas Chamber. 

3,000,000 Source: Cited in a forced confession by Rudolf Höss, the Auschwitz commander who said this was the number of those who had died at Auschwitz prior to Dec. 1, 1943. Later cited in the June 7, 1993 issue of Heritage, the most widely read Jewish newspaper in California, even though three years previously the authorities at the Auschwitz museum had scaled down the figure to a minimum of 1,100,000 and a maximum of 1,500,000. 

2,500,000 Source: Cited by Rudolf Vrba (an author of various fraudulent accounts of events he claims to have witnessed at Auschwitz) when he testified on July 16, 1981 for the Israeli government's war crimes trial of former SS official Adolf Eichmann. 

2,000,000 Source: Cited by Leon Poliakov (1951) writing in Harvest of Hate; Georges Wellers, writing in 1973 in The Yellow Star at the Time of Vichy; and Lucy Dawidowicz, writing in 1975 in The War Against the Jews

2,000,000 to 4,000,000 Source: Cited by Yehuda Bauer in 1982 in his book, A History of the Holocaust. However, by 1989 Bauer revised his figure to 1,600,000. 

1,600,000 Source: This is a 1989 revision by Yehuda Bauer of his earlier figure in 1982 of 2,000,000 to 4,000,000. Bauer cited this new figure on September 22, 1989 in The Jerusalem Post, at which time he wrote "The larger figures have been dismissed for years, except that it hasn't reached the public yet." 

1,500,000 Source: In 1995 this was the number of Auschwitz deaths announced by Polish President Lech Walesa as determined by those at the Auschwitz museum. This number was inscribed on the monument at the Auschwitz camp at that time, thereby "replacing" the earlier 4,000,000 figure that had been formally repudiated (and withdrawn from the monument) five years earlier in 1990. At that time, on July 17, 1990 The Washington Times reprinted a brief article from The London Daily Telegraphciting the "new" figure of 1,500,000 that had been determined by the authorities at the Auschwitz museum. This new figure was reported two years later in a UPI report published in the New York Post on March 26, 1992. On January 26, 1995 both The Washington Post and The New York Times cited this 1,500,000 figure as the new "official" figure (citing the Auschwitz Museum authorities).

1,471,595 Source: This is a 1983 figure cited by Georges Wellers who (as noted previously) had determined, writing in 1973, that some 2,000,000 had died. 

1,433,000 Source: This figure was cited on September 1, 1989 by the French daily, Le Monde, which earlier, on April 20, 1978, had cited the figure at 4,000,000. 

1,250,000 Source: In the book, The Destruction of the European Jews, by Raul Hilberg (1985). 

1,100,000 to 1,500,000 Source: Sources for this estimate are Yisrael Gutman and Michael Berenbaum in their 1984 book, Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp. This estimate was later also cited by Walter Reich, former director of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, writing in The Washington Post on September 8, 1998. The upper figure of 1,500,000 is (the new) "official" figure as now inscribed at Auschwitz, with the earlier figure of 4,000,000 inscribed on a plaque displayed from 1948 to 1989 having been removed from the memorial at the site of the former concentration camp. 

Despite a casual reduction in the number of deaths by 2.5 million the number of Jewish victims who perished in the holocaust of World War II remains unchanged at 6,000,000.

1,000,000 Source: Jean-Claude Pressac, writing in his 1989 book Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers. This is interesting since he wrote his book to repudiate so-called "Holocaust deniers" who were called that precisely because they had questioned the numbers of those who had died at Auschwitz. 

900,000 Source: Reported on August 3, 1990 11, by Aufbau, a Jewish newspaper in New York. 

800,000 to 900,000 Source: Reported by Gerald Reitlinger in his book, The Final Solution

775,000 to 800,000 Source: Jean-Claude Pressac's revised figure, put forth in his 1993 book, The Crematoria of Auschwitz: The Mass Murder's Machinery, scaling down his earlier claim of 1,000,000 dead. 

630,000 to 710,000 Source: In 1994 Pressac scaled his figure down somewhat further; this is the figure cited in the German language translation of Pressac's 1993 book originally published in French. Again, this is substantially less than Pressac's 1989 figure of 1,000,000. 

135,000 to 140,000 Source: This is an estimate based on documents held by the International Tracing Service of the Red Cross. It is known that International Tracing Service has a complete set of registration documents. This is thought to include a complete set of roll-call data which includes twice daily tallies of those who died. Although the International Tracing Service of the Red Cross has such records, they have never officially published an accurate count of those who died, or even an accurate report as to exactly which documents they hold. However, totals from these records have been obtained by various interested parties. 

The estimate of 135,000 is roughly corroborated by the "Auschwitz death books." The death books themselves are wartime German camp records, which were captured by the Soviets towards the end of the war, and hidden in Soviet achieves, until released to the Red Cross in 1989. 

The death books consist of 46 volumes which document each death at Auschwitz (each death certificate consists of the deceased person's full name, profession and religion, date and place of birth, pre- Auschwitz residence, parents' names, time of death, and cause of death as determined by a camp physician). The records for the most important years, 1942 and 1943, are almost complete (there are also a few volumes for the year 1941, but none for the year 1944 or January 1945 (when Auschwitz was evacuated). 

The Auschwitz death books contain the death certificates of some 69,000 individuals, of whom about 30,000 were listed as Jews. 

Using all available wartime records from the various camps it has been estimated that between 400,000 and 500,000 people died in the German concentration camp system (from all causes). 

Some entries from the Auschwitz death books 

According to the holocaust legend, Jewish prisoners who arrived at Auschwitz between the spring of 1942 and the fall of 1944, and who were not able to work, were immediately put to death and that no records were kept of such deaths (even though all other deaths where recorded in detail).

German journalist and researcher Wolfgang Kempkens, obtained copies of some 800 of the death certificates from sources in Poland and Russia. Reproductions of thirty of these certificates appeared in the article "Pages from the Auschwitz Death Registry Volumes" by Mark Weber, Journal of Historical Review vol 12 p 265.

We provide the following selection from the 30, to show that the old and weak appear among the death certificates of the Auschwitz death books, proving that the claim that"all who were not able to work, were immediately put to death" is false. 

Josef Hoffmann, a Jewish butcher, was 89 years old when he died of "old age" on June 22, 1942.

Abraham Stieber, a Jewish salesman from Slovakia, was 79 years old when he died on July 2, 1942, of "old age."

Chaim Richter, a Jewish salesman, was 81 years old when he died in Aschwitz on March 1, 1942, of "weakness of old age."

Josephine Kohn, a Jewish inmate born in Hungary who had been living in Leipzig, was 69 years old when she died on February 10, 1943. Auschwitz camp physician Dr. Kitt reported "weakness of old age" as the cause of death. 

Emil Kaufmann, a Jewish attorney deported from Germany, was 78 years old when he died of "old age" on February 15, 1943. "Weakness of old age" is given as the cause of death.

Julius Sonnenberg, a salesman from Germany, was 65 years old when he died on February 27, 1943, of "angina pectoris." His religion is cited as "non-believing, formerly Jewish."

Abraham Blok, a Jewish butcher from the Netherlands, was 70 years old when he died of "old age" on March 6, 1943. 

Jettchen Fuld, a Jewish inmate, was 67 years old when she died on October 10, 1942. Old age and physical weakness is given as the cause of death.

Salomon Serlui, a Jewish laborer from the Netherlands, was 67 years old when he died in Auschwitz on October 16, 1942. Camp physician Dr. Kremer reported a stomach ulcer as the cause of death.

Renö Hirschfeld, a Jewish tailor born in Berlin in 1878, was 64 years old when he died on November 2, 1942. Camp physician Dr. Kitt reported "weakness of old age" as the cause of death. 

Armin Horn, a Jewish salesman deported to the camp from Slovakia, died on August 19, 1942, at the age of 70. Camp physician Dr. Thilo recorded the cause of death as "accumulation of fluid in the intestine and weakness of old age."

This Auschwitz camp death certificate reports that prisoner Josef Buck, a Jewish teacher from Kattowitz, was 65 years old when he died on August 1, 1941. "Weakness of old age" is given as the cause of death. 

Josek Nisenkorn, a Jewish laborer, was 71 years old when he died in Auschwitz on August 11, 1941. "Weakness of old age" is given as the cause of death by camp physician Dr. Siegfried Schwela, who himself later died of typhus.

Samuel Mandel, a Jewish tailor, was 74 years old when he died in Auschwitz on March 26, 1942. Physician Dr. Entress reported the cause of death as "influenza with heart failure." 

Ernestine Hochfelder, a Jewish inmate who had been deported to the camp from Slovakia, was 70 years old when she died in Auschwitz on June 4, 1942. "Physical weakness and old age" is cited as the cause of death.

David Reichman, a Jewish farmer, was 70 years old when he died on July 22, 1942, of "old age."

This selection has been chosen to illustrate that the old and weak where not "immediately gassed" as is often claimed, and to point out that according to the death records, many died of old age.



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More from the Auschwitz Death Books

According to the holocaust legend, Jewish prisoners who arrived at Auschwitz between the spring of 1942 and the fall of 1944, and who were not able to work, were immediately put to death and that no records were kept of such deaths (even though all other deaths where recorded in detail). 

By entering Josef Hoffmann's name into the Auschwitz museum data base, one finds:

Hoffmann, Josef
(1852-08-12 ÷ 1942-06-22)
Birthplace: Vrutky, Place of Residence: Vrutky, Denomination: mosaisch which agrees with the facts stated above, namely:
Josef Hoffmann, a Jewish butcher, was 89 years old when he died of "old age" on June 22, 1942. Why was this 89 year old butcher not "immediately gassed by the Nazis on reaching Auschwitz?" Why did the Nazis choose him as a "camp worker" and thus record his name in the death books when he died? 

What do you suppose this 89 year old butcher was doing for the Nazis? Making sausages perhaps? Or making lamp-shades from Jews? 

Inquiring minds wish to know. Check it out with the Auschwitz museum database:

Death Books

About the "Death Books"   |   How to Search   |    FAQ
Last name:
First name:
Place of Residence:

And what of these two 90 year old ladies:
Königstein, Anna Sara
(1852-12-30 ÷ 1943-12-27)
Birthplace: Poleschowitz, Place of Residence: Theresienstadt, Denomination: mosaisch 

Ružička, Marie
(1852-12-10 ÷ 1943-05-12)
Birthplace: Klattau, Place of Residence: Gross Dobray, Denomination: katholisch 

Why do you suppose these two old ladies were "chosen for work" by the Nazis? To make tea, perhaps?

Check it out with the Auschwitz museum database:

Death Books

About the "Death Books"   |   How to Search   |    FAQ
Last name:
First name:
Place of Residence:

Or what of these 4 year olds? 

Weiβ, Waldtraud
(1939-03-13 ÷ 1943-03-25)
Birthplace: Oldenburg, Place of Residence: Oldenburg, Denomination: katholisch 

Stein, Gisela
(1939-03-02 ÷ 1943-04-11)
Birthplace: Stolzenau, Place of Residence: Bremen, Denomination: evangelisch 

Pfeiffer, Frieda
(1939-06-05 ÷ 1943-06-16)
Birthplace: Kitzladen, Place of Residence: Markt Alhau, Denomination: katholisch

What "labor: do you suppose they preformed for the Nazis? 

And what of this 122 year old lady !?!?!?

Kohn, Elisabeth
(1819-12-08 ÷ 1942-08-15)
Birthplace: Trencin, Place of Residence: Trencin, Denomination: mosaisch

Why do you suppose she was "chosen for work" by the Nazis? To make coffee, perhaps?

Like all ladies, she probably lied about her age. 

Check it out with the Auschwitz museum database: 

Death Books

About the "Death Books"   |   How to Search   |    FAQ
Last name:
First name:
Place of Residence:

Below is a break-down of the death certificates from Auschwitz by age. 

 Age Group  Number  Percentage 

There were 10,681 deaths among those over the age of 50, and 3,225 among those below the age of 15. These 10,681 + 3,225 = 13,906 deaths imply a camp population of some 100,000 to 150,000 prisoners, either, over the age of 50 or below the age of 15. Few of these 100,000 to 150,000 prisoners could be considered "fit for work" and according to the holocaust myth, should have been immediately gassed. The existence of death certificates for those (among this huge group) that died, by itself, proves that the Auschwitz holocaust story is indeed a myth. Taken together with all the other evidence, it is clear that the holocaust myth is another deliberate deception force fed to the public for the last 60 years.



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The following is a list of those persons over the age of 80 whose names occur in the "Auschwitz death books". 

122 Kohn, Elisabeth (1819-12-08 1942-08-15) Birthplace: Trencin, Residence: Trencin, Religion: Jew

90 Königstein, Anna Sara (1852-12-30 1943-12-27) Birthplace: Poleschowitz, Residence: Theresienstadt, Religion: Jew

90 Ruzicka, Marie (1852-12-10 1943-05-12) Birthplace: Klattau, Residence: Gross Dobray, Religion: Catholic

89 Hoffmann, Josef (1852-08-12 1942-06-22) Birthplace: Vrutky, Residence: Vrutky, Religion: Jew
88 Strauss, Arnold (1853-12-29 1942-06-22) Birthplace: Bobrow, Residence: Banska Bystrica, Religion: Jew

88 Herzberg, Johann (1854-12-25 1943-04-07) Birthplace: Wöllnitz, Residence: Gotenhafen, Religion: Catholic

87 Zagolkin, Nikifor (1856-00-00 1943-12-05) Birthplace: Styriki, Residence: Styriki, Religion: Greek Orthodox

87 Horvath, Anna (1856-03-07 1943-05-10) Birthplace: Schreibersdorf, Residence: Althodis, Religion: Catholic

86 Kannengießer, Leopold (1855-08-10 1942-07-14) Birthplace: Neu Sandez, Residence: Presov, Religion: Jew
86 Strukow, Praskowja (1857-00-00 1943-11-09) Birthplace: Wierieczi, Residence: Kalzy, Religion: Greek Orthodox

86 Strojny, Jozefa (1857-02-23 1943-11-08) Birthplace: Sulejow, Residence: Litzmannstadt, Religion: Catholic
86 Kreutz, Elisabeth (1857-04-03 1943-07-31) Birthplace: Römershausen, Residence: Dortmund, Religion: Protestant

85 Zegolkin, Domna (1858-00-00 1943-12-23) Birthplace: Malchaty, Residence: Lopatki, Religion: Greek Orthodox

85 Laski, Apolonia (1858-00-00 1943-12-21) Birthplace: Dubowik, Residence: Sawin Dub, Religion: Greek Orthodox

85 Karpowicz, Wasilij (1858-00-00 1943-11-09) Birthplace: Borisow, Residence: Borisow, Religion: Greek Orthodox

85 Berousek, Cecilie (1857-10-04 1943-03-31) Birthplace: Frauenberg (Budweis), Residence: Bistrowan, Religion: Catholic

85 Weiß, Eva (1858-01-04 1943-05-04) Birthplace: Gehaus, Residence: Unterrückersbach, Religion: Catholic

85 Petermann, Maria (1858-02-01 1943-05-26) Birthplace: Sennheim, Residence: Berlin NO 55, Religion: Catholic

84 Grysimienko, Achriem (1859-00-00 1943-12-09) Birthplace: Lipinki, Residence: ---, Religion: Unknown

84 Wesolowski, Malgorzata (1859-00-00 1943-11-18) Birthplace: Witonia, Residence: Litzmannstadt, Religion: Catholic

84 Jonasz, Moric (1858-06-17 1942-06-23) Birthplace: Lest, Residence: Banska Bystrica, Religion: Jew

83 Spindler, Blondina Josefa (1859-07-22 1943-06-22) Birthplace: Gnotzheim, Residence: Filzingen, Religion: Catholic

83 Baranow, Anastasija (1860-00-00 1943-11-01) Birthplace: Dworiszcza, Residence: Jakowlewo, Religion: Greek Orthodox

83 Schkomarovsky, Ester Sara (1860-03-00 1943-12-30) Birthplace: Kyjov, Residence: Theresienstadt, Religion: Jew

83 Bardaczow, Nikita (1860-05-00 1943-10-08) Birthplace: Plaszkowo, Residence: Plaszkowo, Religion: Greek Orthodox

83 Weiss, Moritz (1859-03-07 1942-07-14) Birthplace: Ilwes, Residence: Presov, Religion: Jew

83 Prager, Reinhold (1860-02-02 1943-04-12) Birthplace: Sankt Sanglow, Residence: München-Bernsdorf, Religion: Protestant

83 Schneck, Kreszentia (1860-02-10 1943-04-16) Birthplace: Rohrdorf, Residence: Ravensburg-Ummenwinkel, Religion: Catholic

83 Frank, Max (1859-05-10 1942-06-25) Birthplace: Velké-Surovce, Residence: Piestany, Religion: Jew

83 Heiman, Ernestine (1859-04-08 1942-04-22) Birthplace: Banovce nad Bebravou, Residence: Trencin, Religion: Jew

83 Rostalski, Jadwiga (1860-10-25 1943-11-01) Birthplace: Falkenhof, Residence: Litzmannstadt, Religion: Catholic

82 Friedrich, Theodor (1860-10-04 1943-06-03) Birthplace: Groß-Küdde, Residence: Berlin N 54, Religion: Catholic

82 Horvath, Ignaz (1860-09-27 1943-05-06) Birthplace: Zahling, Residence: Zahling, Religion: Catholic

82 Buriansky, Marie (1860-11-11 1943-03-16) Birthplace: Brockesdorf, Residence: Stadt-Liebau, Religion: Catholic

82 Knopf, Agnes Sara (1861-11-28 1943-12-30) Birthplace: Geburtsort nicht bekannt, Residence: Theresienstadt, Religion: Unknown

82 Rosenberg, Elisabeth (1861-04-21 1943-05-10) Birthplace: Klein-Wanzleben, Residence: Berlin-Marzahn, Religion: Catholic

81 Welkewitz, Chana Sara (1862-01-20 1943-12-30) Birthplace: Geburtsort nicht bekannt, Residence: Theresienstadt, Religion: Unknown

81 Sommer, Luzie Sara (1862-04-03 1943-12-30) Birthplace: Raudnitz an der Elbe, Residence: Theresienstadt, Religion: Jew

81 Vohryzek, Leopold (1862-03-30 1943-12-22) Birthplace: Hermannstädtl bei Chrudim, Residence: Theresienstadt, Religion: Jew

81 Richter, Chaim (1860-08-18 1942-03-01) Birthplace: Krenau, Residence: Krenau, Religion: Jew

81 Herrmann, Katharina (1862-03-28 1943-10-08) Birthplace: Eisenau, Residence: Sielanki, Religion: Catholic

81 Holomek, Johann (1861-09-26 1943-03-31) Birthplace: Napajedl, Residence: Napajedl, Zigeunerlager, Religion: Catholic

81 Bello, Martin (1862-03-25 1943-07-21) Birthplace: Niederfinow bei Berlin, Residence: Halle an der Saale, Religion: Catholic

81 Pollak, Josef (1861-01-20 1942-04-26) Birthplace: Rajec, Residence: Rajec, Religion: Jew

81 Neumann, Betti (1862-09-28 1943-12-30) Birthplace: Geburtsort nicht bekannt, Residence: Wohnort nicht bekannt, Religion: Unknown

81 Szewczyk, Zdzislaw (1862-10-27 1943-12-18) Birthplace: Tarnobrzeg, Residence: Moschin, Religion: Catholic

81 Gruszczynski, Maria (1862-06-16 1943-07-21) Birthplace: Klonowa, Residence: Litzmannstadt-Chojny, Religion: Catholic

81 Subrt, Nepomucena (1862-06-21 1943-07-25) Birthplace: Swatoborschitz, Residence: Tscheloschnitz, Religion: Catholic

81 Brüll, Johanna Sara (1862-11-29 1943-12-30) Birthplace: Geburtsort nicht bekannt, Residence: Theresienstadt, Religion: Unknown

81 Eiser, Johanna (1861-05-09 1942-06-02) Birthplace: Nositz, Residence: Rajetz, Religion: Jew

80 Sojka, Berta Sara (1863-01-01 1943-12-27) Birthplace: Jungbunzlau, Residence: Theresienstadt, Religion: Jew

80 Stopnicki, Michal (1860-08-31 1941-08-25) Birthplace: Stare Stawy, Residence: Jaslo, Religion: Catholic

80 Dirnfeld, Israel (1861-07-00 1942-06-24) Birthplace: Nitra, Residence: Nitra, Religion: Jew

80 Pietrowicz, Anton (1863-00-00 1943-12-18) Birthplace: Suchopiatowa, Residence: Suchopiatowa, Religion: Greek Orthodox

80 Waitz, Karl (1862-06-15 1943-05-06) Birthplace: Pleil, Residence: Graz, Religion: Catholic

80 Spakow, Tatjana (1863-00-00 1943-11-15) Birthplace: Stiriki, Residence: Lopatki, Religion: Greek Orthodox

80 Szubrow, Tatjana (1863-00-00 1943-10-27) Birthplace: Bobruszki, Residence: Bielikow, Religion: Greek Orthodox

80 Orieszenko, Andriej (1863-00-00 1943-10-07) Birthplace: Chabaty, Residence: Chabaty, Religion: Greek Orthodox

80 Stefaniak, Wiktoria (1862-10-14 1943-06-19) Birthplace: Garz, Residence: Komsdorf, Religion: Catholic

80 Jelinski, Jozefa (1863-03-12 1943-11-15) Birthplace: Tschenstochau, Residence: Litzmannstadt, Religion: Catholic

80 Pohl, Wilhelm (1862-09-13 1943-05-07) Birthplace: Beneschau, Residence: Teplitz-Schönau, Religion: Catholic

80 Rotholz, Louis Israel (1862-07-12 1943-02-13) Birthplace: Pyritz, Residence: Berlin, Religion: Jew

80 Stein, Rudolf (1863-01-01 1943-07-03) Birthplace: Breslau, Residence: Bremen, Religion: Catholic

80 Graczek, Marja (1863-07-16 1943-12-26) Birthplace: Salzberg, Residence: Jaworzno, Religion: Catholic

80 Karoly, Juliana (1863-01-12 1943-06-20) Birthplace: Mönchmeierhof, Residence: Spitzzicken, Religion: Catholic

80 Daniel, Josef (1863-02-16 1943-07-09) Birthplace: Bilowitz, Residence: Bilowitz, Religion: Catholic

80 Herzberger, Oswald Julius Hermann (1863-02-07 1943-06-23) Birthplace: Striegau, Residence: Neumünster, Religion: Protestant

80 Serynek, Beatrix (1863-00-00 1943-05-04) Birthplace: Milschitz, Residence: Pilsen, Religion: Catholic

80 Wagner, Emilie Sara (1863-11-25 1943-12-28) Birthplace: Slatina bei Königgrätz, Residence: Theresienstadt, Religion: Jew

As the holocaust of six million Jews in World War I was eventually revised to zero, the Jewish magazine FORWARD, November 25, 2005 is continuing to revise downward the number of Jews claimed to have been exterminated in Auschwitz from the one-time figure of nine million, to not millions, not hundreds of thousands, but "thousands" of "deaths," not exterminations. (As we know, most deaths were from disease caused by allied destruction of supply lines near war's end). And Auschwitz is now a "concentration camp," no longer a "death camp": 

"In addition to Irving's arrest, Rudolph, 41, was sent from Chicago this month to his native Germany, where he was wanted on a 1995 conviction of inciting racial hatred for disputing the deaths of thousands of Jews held captive at a concentration camp. Rudolph was sentenced to 14 months in prison for publishing a report disputing the deaths of thousands of Jews in the gas chambers at Auschwitz, according to a statement by the Department of Homeland Security. Rudolph, a former chemist, claimed in his report that since he had failed to find traces of Zyklon B on the bricks of gas chambers, mass gassings of Jews could not have occurred at Auschwitz".

The NewsTelegraph: "Auschwitz, the infamous Nazi death Camp." Great Britain's foremost Jewish journalist, author and holocaust researcher, Gitta Sereny, smacked The NewsTelegraph in the face: "Auschwitz was a terrible place—but it was not an extermination camp." The TimesLondon, August 29, 2001. (Also see Auschwitz—Myths & Facts).

Note 3Professor Robert Faurisson, writes: Jean-Marie Le Pen recently stated: "If you take a thousand-page book on the Second World War, the concentration camps occupy two pages and the gas chambers ten or fifteen lines, and that's called a detail."

"He might have brought up some even harder-hitting and more precise arguments, and referred to Eisenhower, Churchill, de Gaulle, Elie Wiesel, René Rémond, Daniel Goldhagen, and even the text of the Nuremberg Tribunal judgment." 

"Three of the best known works on the Second World War are General Eisenhower's Crusade in Europe (New York: Doubleday [Country Life Press], 1948), Winston Churchill'sThe Second World War (London: Cassell, 6 vols., 1948-1954), and the Mémoires de guerre of General de Gaulle (Paris: Plon, 3 vols., 1954-1959). In these three works not the least mention of Nazi gas chambers is to be found."

"Eisenhower's Crusade in Europe is a book of 559 pages; the six volumes of Churchill's Second World War total 4,448 pages; and de Gaulle's three-volume Mémoires de guerre is 2,054 pages. In this mass of writing, which altogether totals 7,061 pages (not including the introductory parts), published from 1948 to 1959, one will find no mention either of Nazi "gas chambers, "a" genocide" of the Jews, or of "six million" Jewish victims of the war."

The comprehensive and entirely neutral Report of the International Committee of the Red Cross on its Activities during the Second World War, (Geneva, 1948), incorporated and expanded the findings of two previous works: Documents sur l'activité du CICR en faveur des civils détenus dans les camps de concentration en Allemagne 1939-1945(Geneva, 1946), and Inter Arma Caritas: the Work of the ICRC during the Second World War (Geneva, 1947). It found no evidence whatever at the camps in Axis occupied Europe of a deliberate policy to exterminate the Jews, and in all 1,600 pages of this three volume Report it does not even mention such a thing as a gas chamber. 

The same goes for the autobiographical account, Night (New York: Hill and Wang, 1960), in which Elie Wiesel relates his experience of Auschwitz and Buchenwald. Moreover, in the first volume of his memoirs, All Rivers Run to the Sea (New York: Random House/Knopf, 1995, p. 74), he writes, "Let the gas chambers remain closed to prying eyes, and to imagination."

In the third volume of his Introduction à l'histoire de notre temps ("Introduction to the History of Our Times"), René Rémond, who was then president of the commission on the history of the deportation within the Comité d'histoire de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale (Committee on the History of the Second World War), made no mention whatsoever of these gas chambers (Le XXe siècle de 1914 à nos jours ["The 20th Century from 1914 to the Present"], Le Seuil, 1974). Fourteen years later, when he had become president of the Institut d'histoire du temps présent (Institute of Contemporary History), once again he made no mention of them in a 1,013-page work entitled Notre Siècle de 1918 à 1988 ("Our Century from 1916 to 1988," Paris: Fayard, 1988).

Since March 1996, the Jewish-American historian Daniel Jonah Goldhagen has been treated as the darling of the media the world over, thanks to his book Hitler's Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust (New York: Knopf, 1996, xiv-634 pp.). While he does mention Nazi gas chambers, it is for little more than to note that "their efficiency has been greatly overstated" (p. 10), and that they have always been, and wrongly, "the overwhelming focus of popular and even scholarly attention" (p. 165). Goldhagen goes as far as to declare that "gassing was really epiphenomenal to the Germans' slaughter of the Jews" (p. 533, n. 81) and that "the imbalance of attention devoted to the gas chambers needs to be corrected" (p. 535). (NAZI Gassings Never Happened! by Friedrich Paul Berg; Circular Letter of the Military Police Service dated October 1, 1948 read in evidence to Canadian court April 11-12, 1988, stated "the Allied Commissions of Inquiry have so far established that no people were killed by poison gas in the following concentration camps: Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald, Dachau, Flossenbürg, Gross-Rosen, Mauthausen and its satellite camps, Natzweiler, Neuengamme, Niederhagen (Wewelsburg), Ravensbrück, Sachsenhausen, Stutthof, Theresienstadt). 

France's Fabius-Gayssot law of 1990 specifically forbids the "challenging" or "contesting" of the portions of the judgment of the International Military Tribunal of Nuremberg (September 30 and October 1, 1946) relating to "crimes against humanity," including the use of execution gas chambers. But it is noteworthy that, of the 84,000 words of the judgment's text (in the French version), only 520, extremely vague, are devoted to gas chambers. This is 1/160th of the entire text, or 0.62 percent. In other words, 99.38 percent of the judgment does not deal with these gas chambers. 

In this important transcript of a video, Jewish revisionist scholar David Cole interviews Franciszek Piper, Auschwitz museum curator who admits, perhaps primarily because the latter is also Jewish, that the gas chambers and crematoria seen by visitors to Auschwitz were inventions built by the Soviets ten years after WWII ended. 

Aerial reconnaissance of Auschwitz and Birkenau by Britain and America corroborated intelligence reports and concluded the inmates were not being murdered or physically abused in the visible camps.

The Nuremberg Judgment

Why were Eisenhower, Churchill, de Gaulle, Elie Wiesel, René Rémond, Daniel Goldhagen, and the Nuremberg Tribunal so reserved on the subject of the Nazi gas chambers? Of course, revisionists have explanations for this reticence that, however, the Fabius-Gayssot law forbids us to make public in France. 

My own explanations, which cannot be published in France without committing a crime, would include the following:

The Nazi extermination gas chambers never existed. 

Eisenhower, Churchill, and de Gaulle knew or suspected that their own governments' propaganda about gas chambers was not true. (Thus, on August 30, 1943, US Secretary of State Cordell Hull wrote to Standley, US Ambassador in Moscow: ". . . there is insufficient evidence to justify the statement regarding execution in gas chambers" [Foreign Relations of the United States: Diplomatic Papers 1943. US Government Printing Office, 1963, vol. 1, p. 416]).

Elie Wiesel probably now regrets that he did not mention gas chambers in his autobiographical work, Night. 

René Rémond revealed to me in November 1978 that he was "ready to follow [me] on the gas chamber matter." 

Goldhagen probably realizes that the gas chamber story is fishy, and, anyway, prefers to insist on killing methods that permit him to accuse millions of Germans of complicity in crimes, rather than emphasize a specific killing method that implies only a handful of German criminals. 

The Nuremberg Tribunal judges had nothing substantive to say about the gas chambers because they understood that no investigation had been conducted as to the specifics of the "murder weapon," and because neither the "witnesses" nor former Auschwitz commandant Rudolf Höss had been asked hard specific questions about the gas chambers (Professor Robert Faurisson).

Note 4:"Full Responsibility for the First World War, lies squarely on the shoulders of the International Jewish Bankers. They are responsible for Millions of dead and dying" (U.S. Congressional Record 67th Congress, 4. Sitting, Senate Document #346).

The Second World War is being fought for the defense of the fundamentals of Judaism (Chicago Jewish Sentinel, October 8, 1942). 

"The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish planning and Jewish dissatisfaction. Our Plan is to have a New World Order. What worked so wonderfully in Russia, is going to become Reality for the whole world" (The American Hebrew Magazine, September 10, 1920). 

Jewry seized power in the USA through a most professional performance of holocaust suffering in the Media and in Hollywood films. Jewish Professor Norman Finkelstein puts it this way: "Our present interpretation of the Holocaust has been deliberately devised by American Jewish groups for purposes of ethnic supremacy, political advantage and financial gain" (BBC-News—January 26, 2000). 

In his book, "The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering" (2000), Dr. Finkelstein states that many powerful Zionist groups have used the Holocaust to amass vast sums of money. He states that the Holocaust has been used for fund raising for the survivors of the Hitler's detention camps. And, he continues, the survivors never received any of the funds. Hundreds of billions of dollars have been raised for Jewish causes because of the Holocaust. Over 700 billion has come from the United States. The Holocaust ideology is distinguished in its capitalization. He documents economic exploitation by this "Holocaust Industry," which he calls an "outright extortion racket".

"In December 1991, Alan Baer [Alan and Marcia Baer Foundation] put up the money for a full-page advertisement placed by the ADL in several major newspapers. The ad, headlined "Not All Nazis Are Living in South America," was a fundraising pitch for the ADL.

Bad judgment on the part of the ADL? Or merely one more instance of the ADL's showing its true colors. You be the judge (The Ugly Truth About the ADL, E.I.R., p. 103-119).

Carlos Porter's lengthy Made in Russia - the Holocaust [is] a compilation of the dozens of allegedly incredible or implausible Holocaust claims advanced by the Allies—particularly the Soviets—at the International Military Tribunal... [the book] contains photocopies and photographs of hundreds of pages of the trial transcripts and documents accepted as exhibits, allowing the reader to see for himself just how irrational some of the claims were." 

"Collection of Holocaust sources from 'eye witnesses' and otherwise 'proven' accounts that are now considered absurd and false. . . Steaming, mass electrocution, atomic bombs, 'spanking machines', human lampshades/soap/etc, shrunken heads, cannibalism, poisoned soft drinks are just some of these absurdities tried before the final version of the story. . ."

Adolf Hitler said that people will doubt the truth of a small lie, but never a big one. He went on to say that the first and foremost practitioners of this technique have always been the Jews. Of course, this part of the quotation is forgotten - deliberately amputated (but always with plenty of anaesthesia). 

Proof of the truth of this contention, including the last four words, is that the so-called Holocaust itself is not only the biggest "Big Lie" in history, but probably the stupidest as well. 

One might just as well say that people will doubt the truth of an intelligent lie, but never a stupid one—and the stupider the better. 

For example: if you tell your wife that you're working late at the office instead of drinking with your friends (or worse), she'll know it's a lie. 

But if you tell her that Adolf Eichmann witnessed "blood spurting in little geysers from a mass grave" [Christopher Browning, FATEFUL MONTHS, Essays on the Emergence of the Final Solution, Holmes & Meyer, NY, 1985, p. 24], she'll probably believe it.

What's more, if you tell her it's all a load of old Nellie and that geysers are caused by volcanic heat turning water to steam in rock - what could cause a "geyser of blood" in a mass grave?—she'll probably get indignant. "Cruel monster! Heartless beast!"

The Holocaust is a universe of lies! Hundreds of photographs and official documentation support this fact. wasthere.htm

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